How to Create Your Facebook and Instagram Ads Like a Pro (Part 2) : Tutorial

LJK Digital Solutions
LJK Digital
3 min readAug 24, 2021

You want to run advertisements on Facebook and Instagram.

Where do you start?

1. Create a Facebook Account.

You most likely have an account at this point, but if you would like to, you can create a new one for your business

2. On the Facebook Account that you have created, create your business page.

This business page will be linked to your Facebook Business Suite and Facebook Ads Manager. Locate the plus icon on the upper right corner and find “page” to create one.

It will guide you to write the page name and a category that your business fits into. You can briefly describe your business as well.

3. With a Facebook account and a dedicated business page, access your Facebook Business Suite. Conveniently, on the business page that you have created, it will show you a link to access your Facebook Business suite. You can locate them on the left scroll down bar or on the home page.

Above is an example of how your Facebook Business Suite will look like. You can upload your business logo and related cover pages to set up the page. The Facebook Business Suite shows you the posts, stories, and advertisements that you have uploaded. And, it will show you the numbers of views, reactions, and comments that it received.

4. Access your Facebook Ads Manager.

On your Facebook Business Suite, you can tap into the Ads Manager page. Locate “More Tools” on the left selection bar, and access Ads Manager.

As shown above, your Ads Manager page will pop up; which is the platform that you are going to use to create your advertisements on Facebook and Instagram. To familiarize yourself with the platform, I suggest you explore what it has to offer by creating a practice run like I did.

You are ready now!

You have set up the tools that allow you to generate advertisements on Facebook and Instagram. Spend time tinkering around these platforms to see what you can do. The next step in this journey would be to think about how you can maximize the efficiency and ROI of your advertisement campaigns.



LJK Digital Solutions
LJK Digital

We optimise your social media marketing for maximum output via weekly data analysis and ad fine-tuning.