Healthy HACKS⁺, Motivating TRICKS* & Science MAPS^

LL&F Club
Published in
7 min readNov 3, 2019

Welcome! You’re about to read something about you. You’re on for a fascinating journey about your life, your drive, you aspirations, your desires and your pursuit of a happier, healthier and longer life. We’re here to help you (and ourselves as well) discover the path to a better life for all. So feel free to come on board, buckle up, and take off with us to explore and discover the new highs of life itself.

It’s time!

It’s time, to live a happy life

It’s time, to live a healthy life

It’s time to Live Long and Flourish!

That’s why we decided to launch the LL&F Club, because excited about Living Long and Flourishing. We are here to find the best way to get there, and share with you and everyone everywhere valuable Healthy Hacks⁺, Motivating Tricks* and Science Maps^ that will help everyone live a long life, and flourish along the way.

It’s so easy for everyone to resonate with the “Live” and “Long” parts of our mission, but let’s spend a minute on the “Flourish” part.

Here’s the dictionary definition for the word “flourish” to start with:




(of a person, animal, or other living organism) grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment.

It’s a bag full of goodies.

grow” and “develop” — yes! It’s been shown again and again that constant growth and development are the best ways to live a meaningful and full life constantly moving forward, learning, growing, and evolving. The same way we evolve and develop in our physical form, we’re much better-off doing so in our mental and spiritual forms too. It is simply essential to being whole and reaching our full potential.

Back to the definition: “healthy” and “vigorous” — now we’re touching the core of life — our health and vitality. These are instrumental to our pursuit of a happy life that’s full of energy and hope. Without them, we’re like a machine without an engine at worst, and at best, a machine with an engine, but with the wrong fuel!

And what about the “favorable environment” in the definition? This is where the rubber meets the road and the LL&F Club starts playing an important role in our lives. Our main task is to help you and eventually everyone everywhere create the right environment that will underlie the happiest, healthiest and longest life possible, and provide the right tools to enable it for you.

LL&F is a lofty goal, indeed. But we’re all about measurable, incremental steps that lead to transformative long lasting results, and frankly, we’re very (very) tired of hearing that healthcare is about fixing broken people. It’s not. It’s all about helping people constantly flourish and keeping you and us and others healthy and happy as long as humanly possible. It’s about living to our full potential every day, every hour and every minute. And to do so, we’re planning to help pave the road with actionable Health Hacks⁺, useful Motivating Tricks*, and valuable scientific roadmaps to getting there and sustaining the good life we’re all aspiring to live.

The good news is that we’re not alone! To tackle this lofty goal, and have fun in the process, we’re gathering brilliant minds with big hearts from all walks of life — scientists, designers, healthcare professionals, wellness enthusiasts, technologists, teachers, philosophers, and others.

Our inaugural meeting brought together a bunch of these folks to discuss and share with one another their passion for LL&F and their knowledge on how to get there. It was exciting, fun and enriching, and felt like a historic moment. The time for LL&F has arrived!

Why Now? (and even more specifically, simply why?)

There are endless mountains and rivers of information out there about what you should do in order to improve your health and well-being. And not only that most of it is confusing, not grounded in rigorous research, and too many times contradictory, but also, too much of it is about what you shouldn’t do.

On the one hand, all these streams of information help grow an awareness for living healthfully, but on the other hand all this mishmash of knowledge yields almost nothing. We’re still engulfed by truly scary rates of obesity, Alzheimer’s, dementia, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, heart conditions, and what have you. And even folks who are considered “healthy”, for the most part aren’t as happy as they’d like to be. So many things are wrong with this picture so we’ve decided to work together to simplify things, and boil them down to the essence of why this is the case and how to fix it. We believe that there’s a flaw in how the right information is communicated and found, and an even bigger one in what folks do (or more often don’t do) with all this information. We also see a lack of support in converting this information to action and measuring what really works and what doesn’t. We’re here to help fix that.

One more thing. We also know there is a great deal of valuable information that isn’t easily findable, or not yet readily accessible to most people, including you. We’re on our way to changing that and to making this knowledge readily available, and even more importantly, easily digestible to you and others.

How We’ll Do It

We’re excited to work together with you and other brilliant, big-hearted members of the LL&F community to weave for you and for everyone everywhere a special map/blueprint, so you’ll be able to put the wheels of change in motion, and use them to find your road to a healthy, happy life.

We’ll provide our members and then the rest of the world with valuable tools for change:

  • Healthy Hacks⁺
  • Motivating Tricks*
  • Science Maps^

All backed by real, thoughtful, validated science!

Healthy Hacks⁺

Are the actions. The very things you can do to improve every aspect of you life, from nutrition to sleep to physical activity to mind & brain to breathing to awareness to positive disposition to prudent risk-management (and more!)

Our members will research, propose and validate Health Hacks⁺. Once a hack is approved by club members, it will be communicated to the world — and we’ll do it in a positive way! We plan to only tell you what you should do, not what you shouldn’t. We’ll do that by explaining the benefits of using Health Hacks⁺ rather than scaring you with all the bad things that will happen if you don’t.

The Four Pillars of the LL&F Club

If you’re a super doer, that’s probably all you’ll need. For the rest of us humans, we’ll also need:

Motivating Tricks*

These touch on what we identify as one of the main downfalls of the current healthcare system and the wellbeing-advice-giving industry: They only focus on what to do, while neglecting the why and the how. Behavioral and cognitive changes aren’t easy, to say the least, and for many of us they can become a nightmare (figuratively and sometimes even literally!). So a Health Hack⁺ without a Motivating Trick* is like having a car but no paved roads; you can take the dirt road, and you may get to where you’re heading, but it’s gonna be one hellova bumpy ride at best. But you’re likely to get a flat tire and get stuck or worse so, you might even break an axle and never get anywhere.

This is why we’ll attach to every Health Hack⁺ a habit-changing, behavior-shifting, motivation-enhancing Motivating Trick* (or two) to help you start engaging with the hacks and continue engaging until you start ripping the fruit of health and happiness. We will find and share the best Motivating Tricks* used by folks who found a way to continuous engagement and sustainable habits. Some may stop here and feel this is good enough. But if you’re more curious than that, or just like us, you need to fully understand the underlying mechanisms of things in order to be truly invested, we’ve got your back:

Science Maps^

Exactly as it sounds, Science Maps^ are educated, well-proven blueprints of why and how these Hacks⁺ and Tricks* work together, how they fit into our lives, and how to measure their impact on our health, our happiness, and our longevity. In the LL&F world, Science Maps^ help you and us understand, engage, measure, learn, and create a virtuous improvement cycles. They help integrate Healthy Hacks⁺ and Motivating Tricks* into our lives in an impactful and sustainable way.

Yes! You can too!

We started by saying that it’s all about you — your drive, your aspirations, and your desire for a happier, healthier and longer life. You are the real agent of change. You are the one! We’re here to help you, and you can be here to help us and many others who want the same too. Sometimes, and particularly when it comes to health and happiness, the best way to help yourself is by helping others — you can join us to do just that!

The only thing we ask is, don’t keep it to yourself. Let’s open the circle, let’s collaborate, and let’s help the information flow around to benefit all of us. Anyone can simply read what we share and benefit from what we learn (you’re very welcome!), or you can join the LL&F Club, try these Health Hacks⁺ and Motivating Tricks* yourself and share with the community what you learn so we can all grow and become happier and healthier as a result.

This is a joint effort, a journey with a shared goal. To Live Long & Flourish. Together!

Stay tuned! More flourishing delights are coming your way soon!

