BNB Chain is now live on LlamaNodes!

Get started with our Free and Premium RPCs



New chain, new chapter! LlamaNodes RPCs are now live on BNB Chain (BSC). With a history as one of the core chains in DeFi and over $2.8bn in total value locked, the BNB universe is a perfect match for LlamaNodes’ cutting-edge RPC service.

We’ve got easy onboarding and Premium features that push users to the top of the transaction heap, making LlamaNodes the best new option for BSC users… So let’s jump in! 👇

LlamaNodes’ Unique Features on BSC

  1. Privacy | LlamaNodes does not track or store information from BSC users. Regardless of your privacy needs, it’s good to know you’re not being tracked.
  2. Speed | LlamaNodes offers some of the fastest RPC speeds in DeFi, with our Premium RPCs regularly placing first on RPC comparison sites.
  3. Cost Savings | LlamaNodes base RPC cost per CU is far cheaper than competition but in addition to that:
    Requests are automatically routed to archival nodes only when necessary, so you only use and pay for it when you need it!
    b) Plus a 25% discount on all cached request!
  4. MEV Protection | Don’t fall victim to the dark forest, and don’t get bogged down by sluggish third-party MEV protectors. LlamaNodes has built-in MEV protection to ensure your transactions go through with minimal loss.
  5. Pay with Crypto | Connect your web3 wallet and pay with $USDT in 30 seconds. Plus, you only pay for what you use — no pesky monthly plans which ultimately saves you money.

Get Started with LlamaNodes & BSC

Get started today with our Premium or Free options!

Premium ⚡️

If you’re a Dev or dApp developers — stop by LlamaNodes and get a Premium end-point in 30 seconds + you can pay with Crypto! Lest we forget… Premium gives you industry leading features and latency, unlimited request and endpoints, and more.

Free 🦙

If you are a trader — Head over to LlamaNodes, click on the BNB Smart Chain RPC module, and add it to your wallet in just a few seconds. You get free MEV Protection along with super fast inclusion, so you never miss a trade!

How LlamaNodes Premium Helps BNB Smart Chain Developers?

Building on the BNB Smart Chain is an excellent option to speed up transactions and minimize fees when looking to create smart contract-enabled applications. Part of the the process requires fast, reliable access to BNB Smart Chain nodes to do so. This is where LlamaNodes comes in:

  • Faster dApps — With lower latency, come faster load times for applications.
  • Cost Savings — Llama is saving major DeFi applications as much as 60% on their RPC overhead compared to competition.
  • Privacy Preservation — Llama doesn't track you or your users, giving you piece of mind.
  • Auto-Scale for increased traffic — Only pay for what you use and when your dApps traffic increases so do we, meaning you never go down.
  • Intelligent Caching — We cache your frequent requests, meaning you save money and load even faster.
  • Error Mitigation — Automatic resubmissions via different servers mitigate errors and keep you dApp up and running.
  • Pay only for what you use — Only pay for what you use. As long as your balance is topped up, you have access to unlimited requests, so you’re never overcharged or rate-limited.
  • Eliminates node ops — Running a node is not always as straightforward as it seems. LlamaNodes RPCs removes the need for developers to set up their own BNB Smart Chain node, removing hours of time spent building, calibrating, and fixing node issues — as its our job 🦙

Learn more about out industry leading features here.

Looking Forward | LlamaNodes x BNB Smart Chain

By expanding into the BSC ecosystem, LlamaNodes gives developers and retail users alike the opportunity to maximise security, privacy, and efficiency. We look forward to the next wave of innovative dapps to emerge on BNB Smart Chain, and encourage any new or existing projects to reach out and get a better picture of how our service can help.

Also — We’ve neared completion on several new features which will roll out in the coming weeks to make Llama even faster. Stay tuned to see how LlamaNodes improves!

Finally, a big thank you goes out to BSC team for all of the work they’ve done to help make this partnership happen. We’re looking forward to what the future brings for BSC and DeFi in general!

LlamaNodes Team

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About BNB Smart Chain

BNB Smart Chain (BSC) supports the most popular programming languages, flexible tools, and comes with clear and canonical documentation. And it’s maintained a reputation for being one of the fastest and most cost effective chains to use. With industry staying power, stable bridging options, and a thriving community, BNB Smart Chain is an excellent choice for DeFi users of all stripes.

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About‌ ‌LlamaNodes

LlamaNodes‌ provides fast and secure access to RPC infrastructure and is designed for Web3 native teams 🦙

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Fast and secure access to the blockchain designed for Web3