LlamaNodes for Web3 Users

A beginner’s guide to adding our RPC to your Metamask

Defi Llama Soapbox
3 min readDec 27, 2022


Here at LlamaNodes, we understand that ease of use is the path to wider Web3 adoption. In keeping with this goal, we want to make it as easy as possible to add LlamaNodes RPCs to your everyday web3 usage.

It starts with your wallet and there are two great ways to get started, so read on to see just how easy it is to connect LlamaNodes to your Metamask!

Option 1 | Add our Free Public RPC Endpoint to Metamask

1. First, copy our free API Endpoint link on the homepage:

2. Open MetaMask and Click “Add Network” (Network tab — top button, next to fox icon)

3. Click “Add a network manually”

4. Input relevant information in the required fields. Example:

5. Click “Save” and you’re up and running with LlamaNodes! 🦙
Note: Remember to check out our free public dashboard stats here.

Option 2 | A our Free Personalised RPC Endpoint

Step 1 | Want to customise your endpoint? No probllama:

1. Go to the LlamaNodes Dashboard page.

2. Connect with your Web3 wallet, sign messages, etc.

3. Click “Create a new API Key

4. Input your API Key name and email if preferred.

5. Copy your customised End-pint URL:
eg. https://eth.llamarpc.com/rpc/01845762-fbe8-4334-dba5-2c2ca4a1715f

Step 2: Add Your Custom RPC to MetaMask

1. Open MetaMask and Click “Add Network” (Network tab — top button, next to fox icon)

2. Click “Add a network manually”

3. Input relevant information in the required fields. Example:

4. Click “save”

5. All done — Now you can go monitor your RPC usage with your dedicated dashboard!🦙

Ready for Web3 | LlamaNodes Keeps Growing

LlamaNodes’ Free RPCs are now live on Ethereum and Polygon, with new chains right around the corner! By adding our RPC’s, Web3 users gain the benefits of privacy, efficiency, and some of the lowest latency on the blockchain. Stay tuned for more progress every week 🦙

Onwards and upwards,
LlamaNodes Team

About‌ ‌LlamaNodes

LlamaNodes‌ provides fast and secure access to the blockchain designed for Web3 native teams.

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