Godmother 101

Though I’m happily single, many of my friends are starting to date. Some of them have even just found their first partner! As a good friend, I feel a great responsibility toward their dating journey. I want to prepare myself for whatever stages of life they might go through.

One weakness I’ve realized within myself is: I don’t have much experience with babies! What if they have a baby in the future?

Let me lay out my thinking process. Right now, my friends are in their first stage: They’re starting to date. Sooner or later, they’re going to reach stage three: They’ll have a baby. In that case, I might by no means be ready for it!

So I’m creating a godmother 101 to prepare myself.

As an inexperienced person, I don’t think I can predict the “personality” of a baby, and since the baby is not yet born, there is no way for me to train myself with their baby’s personality. As a computer science major, I default to the possible information that I can gather. For instance, what might the baby look like?

Therefore, I’m announcing the new tool I created: Baby Generator.

Merge people and create their baby

In short, I input photos of my friends and their partners and create babies for them. By doing so, I can have a potential visual representation of the baby and get a feel for what I might be getting myself into. As babies are important family members, I believe this is also a way for my friends to know if they want to continue with their current partner.

With my baby generator, I’m also protecting myself from having overwhelming responsibility. If the baby isn’t cute, I can kindly respond to my friend, “I want to thank you for sharing your genes. After careful consideration, I’ve decided to move forward with another baby at this time.”

