The rebranding story of Lloyds

Lelys Hrvatin Jugovac
Lloyds’ thoughts
Published in
5 min readJul 5, 2021

Do you ever feel like you’re not yourself? Like, you know who you are, but the feeling you have is just not in concordance with your true self? That’s exactly what happened to us. So the obvious next step, after that feeling, is rebranding. And, rebranding, our friends, is not a walk in the park.

This article is unfiltered, behind-the-scenes feeling, and a bit all over the place — just like our whole rebranding process. Welcome to our (nerve-wracking) rebranding story.

How it all started?

One random day, just a few years ago, a man with zero knowledge in web development decided to start a company. A web development company, naturally. So, all alone in his tiny office, he spent night after night searching for cheap web templates and learning all about web development. It was overwhelming, and the walls built around the industry seemed unconquerable. But the man, also known as Domagoj, CEO of Lloyds, was determined to bring his vision to life and broke through the walls of doubt!

Domagoj in his tiny office, 2012

As the years went by, Domagoj’s business grew, and he needed to hire his first employee. While at a bar, he met a cool 20-year-old guy with, surprise, surprise, almost no experience in web development. Because you know, minimum wage. But, working together, the business continued to grow. Soon after the first employee came the second, the third, and before you even realize, you have a small team!

The team back in the days, 2016

The name

The focus was on designing the templates for websites when this company was founded in 2014. But 15 people and 4 years later, templates were no longer trendy, and Lloyds could do much more than deliver a website based on a template. Then, however, we were still Lloyds design (or sometimes Lloyds Design, depending on who’s writing it).

Think about it. Lloyds design. It sounds like we’re (just) a design company. Which is not a bad thing. Unless you have 18 developers and your services include custom software, mobile apps, web apps, and design — then, it’s a bit misleading.

Lloyds design team, 2019

For a few months, we were pretty lost in our thoughts of who we were, who we are and what we want to be. We realized that our name and brand identity is what Lloyds was back in the old days. Don’t get me wrong; those were the cool days. But the cooler days were just ahead of us.

Hi, we are Lloyds digital, nice to meet you.

digital. Lloyds digital. We develop, design and create digital products, so digital seemed a pretty good choice. Digital is a big, fancy word, it includes all of the services we offer under one simple word. We create custom digital products which can be a simple design or something as complex as a custom software. That’s why we love this word — it doesn’t set any boundaries for us.

It’s never just the name

It’s not just the name that was ready for a change. The whole brand identity and online presence were just not following our entire evolution. Have you seen our old logo and our old website? Honestly, we’d never hire ourselves if it was to judge only by those factors. All of this was surely pretty cool in one moment (like 4 years ago). But as time didn’t stand still, so did not our skills. We have evolved, both as individuals and as an organization that grew from 5 to 30+ people in 3 years. We had to press the refresh button.

The story behind We break walls

The inspiration for our slogan came when we had the most significant transition, from the old small office into our new fancy office, we had to do some physical work (do not call the HR police, please). The place, our soon-to-be new office, was in ruins. It was some old abandoned place on the fifth floor of some old building. And like everything we do, we’ve rebuilt it by ourselves. We literally broke the walls.

Breaking the walls of the office, 2019

You know what else we do other than literally breaking the walls? We break through walls of tradition, noise and relevance with the hammer of an engaging digital product.

Lloyds digital, 2021

And..what do we stand for?

Closing up the first story about our rebranding with our values.

  • No bullshit. We won’t promise you what we can’t deliver. We won’t tell you your project idea is fine if it can be better. Don’t worry, we don’t talk bullshit.
  • Creative. Happy people are more creative. Which means we enjoy sharing a bottle of wine with friends, googling weird stuff, and having fun on this so-called roller coaster called Life.
  • Dedicated. We won’t go home until we fix that bug. Because if we do, it will wake us up in the middle of the night. That’s dedication.
  • Effective. Keeping the user top of mind, keeps us focused, valuable, and relevant. That’s just effective.

If you’d like to follow us on this adventure, and meet Lloyds digital from some other stories which are yet to be told — stay tuned. And subscribing to our newsletter is the best way for staying tuned! 😉

