Blog Post #6

Sarah Peddicord
2 min readOct 21, 2019


Blog Post #6

Sarah Peddicord

Sabrina the Teenage Witch

More than an interview, more than a piece on Charlie Tercek, but a glimpse into the life of a fairytale creator in advertising and television, a man who wholeheartedly enjoys what he does. Anna, the writer, who interviews Charlie Tercek, dives deep into the wonderfully busy and creative world that is Charlie’s. Not only does she ask him questions to learn more about his life, but she dives deep into the unknown of what it is like to be that “ad guy.” Taking us through the background and the industry and what it takes to have this advertising job, Anna creates Charlie’s character to be one that the reader grows a connection towards. We learn that Charlie has gained great success with his job, and we also learn that he has stories to tell.

All while Anna tells us more about Charlie, she creates an imaginable piece with imagery that alludes to the enchanting world that is Charlie’s job in the advertising industry working for Sabrina the Teenage Witch, a show that I watched growing up. Anna includes Charlies emotions in this piece. She makes sure that the reader understands and gets the cool warm and fuzzy feeling Charlie gets when we is proud of his work.

Not only does it give us the reader a chance to understand how much Charlie loves what he does, but it also makes you want to be the room with Charlie, it makes you want to meet him. And she mentions that. She mentions passion, creativity, dreams, all of which every individual sought after. Anna’s writing brings us through a storytelling of Charlie’s personal life and his business life, while keeping the same spark and imagery. You can feel that creativity flowing through-ought the interview.

