Exun 2017 Build — Redesign Search

Exun 2017 Build Prelims Prompt

2 min readNov 15, 2017



For Exun 2017’s Build prelims, your team’s task is to redesign the web search experience, making it more efficient, beautiful, and interactive. You’ll have to identify the issues with existing search engine interfaces (you can look at DuckDuckGo, Google and Bing) and design a search product that addresses these issues.

The Entry

Your entry must contain the following pages:

  • a homepage / search page, with the primary search interface
  • a results page — you can use dummy data for the results. Ideally, this page should be connected to the search page.
  • an about page, showcasing the unique features and ideas behind your search product

Remember: these pages are guidelines, not requirements.

Additionally, each entry must possess the following:

  • An original video
  • At least 2 original graphics, one of which should be the logo for the product. Bonus points for graphics heavy webpages: look at Slite and doopoll for examples
  • A case study: every entry must contain a case study that details the product. Use this to communicate with the judges, and to bring their attention to unique features or subtle innovations that you want to show.
  • Source files: the project files that you used in making your product


  • Creativity: your entry should be innovative, with optimizations to increase the efficiency of the search experience
  • Aesthetic appeal: your entry should be pleasing to look at
  • Originality: the entry must be your own — plagiarized entries will not be considered, and will lead to the disqualification of the school from Build


  • Upload your entry on Google Drive, GitHub Pages, surge.sh, or wherever else you prefer.
  • Fill out this form.
  • The entry submission deadline for the Build 2017 prelims is Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 23:59 (11:59PM)

Update: several people have asked whether Build teams from different schools will be mixed like last year — no, Build teams will not be mixed. All participants from each school will be selected as a team.

Prompt by Kabir Goel & Anirudh Goyal.




Writer and producer of daily shower thoughts studying machines and people at UC Berkeley.