iPhone 3G

Exun Clan
Published in
1 min readJun 10, 2008

It was coming and everybody knew that. It was speculated that it would be announced during Steve Job’s keynote during WWDC 2008, and 0000 Hours (Indian time) it was.

  • There arent any visual changes with the iPhone save for the new glossy back (8GB or 16GB) and glossy white (16GB) color scheme.
  • Its a tad thicker at the center while it gets thinner at the edges.
  • Improved battery life
  • GPS
  • No mention has been made of MMS, video recording or built-in iChat.
  • On the chatting front, developers will be able to ping a centralized push server with their apps, to keep down battery usage and app overload on phones.
  • The Mobile me < Millennium edition. Hey thats copied!> service has been launched which will be a replacement for .mac
  • iPhone 2.0 Firmware with a plethora of applications (DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS)
  • Prices have gone insane. $199 For the 8GB version and $299 for the 16GB version. Totally sad. While this may help Apple to capture a significant part of the market share, that exclusivity of being an iPhone owner has just gone.
  • Just bought an iPhone? Listen up: “Customers who purchased a 2.5G iPhone on or after May 27 and want to swap it out for a new iPhone will be able to do so without incurring an additional handset charge for the new device. They will of course need to turn in their 2.5G iPhone.”

More information can be found here

