Unveiling LNMHacks 2.0

Manu Maheshwari
Published in
4 min readOct 30, 2017

Most People have their ‘wish list’ of projects they would love to work on, often creating products with a potential to have a widespread impact; but are unable to develop them due to variety of reasons. LNMHacks is a chance to scratch this itch free from the usual constraints and distractions, and develop something out of nowhere in 24 hours.

What is LNMHacks ?

LNMHacks is a one stop platform that brings together developers, designers and thinkers. It encourages the idea of converting into reality the cherry picked ideas from the unstoppable and random stream of thoughts in mind. Making things, breaking conventions and re-working upon them with an innovative mind is what has produced the best of products.

One can sum up the philosophy of LNMHacks in these three words

Looking Back at LNMHacks 1.0

LNMHacks 1.0 was a phenomenal success in its year of inception itself. The first edition was held from 22nd October 2016 to 23rd October 2016 at The LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur.

Participants at LNMHacks 1.0

It witnessed an enthusiastic participation and was well received because of its innovative concept. With 650+ participants in the elimination round and 150+ participants in the on-site Hackathon, LNMHacks 1.0 concluded with smile on everyone’s face. A few relevant workshops were conducted to assist the participants in the later stages of Hackathon.

LNMHacks 2.0 : Revised | Revamped

LNMHacks 2.0

LNMHacks 2.0 is all set to be a manifold times amplified version of LNMHacks 1.0. In 1.0 there were three tracks — Fintech, IoT and Retail. 2.0 has six tracks with EdTech, Computer Vision and Machine Learning being introduced this year. New tracks make the LNMHacks platform more versatile and feasible for a larger crowd.

LNMHacks 2.0 has partnered with GitHub as its Title Sponsors, HackerEarth as Platform Partner, Kaggle as Sponsor, Balsamiq as Silver Sponsor,Twilio as Credit Sponsor, DigitalOcean as Cloud Partner, Sticker Mule as Swag Partner, dotTECH Domains as Student Partner, GitLab as Diversity Grant Sponsor.

Improved Workforce and more anticipated efforts from the Organisers will help lift the level of LNMHacks. It is mentored and powered by CybrosX.

As a coveted platform LNMHacks closely understands the importance of encouraging the female participation in such events as a participant as well as organiser. Thus, there are 50 seats reserved exclusively for girls. LNMHacks provides a befitting platform to aspiring women engineers and scientists to expand their networking and push their boundaries as a developer, designer and thinker.

Tracks & Description

Following is a brief description of tracks for the hackathon-

Tracks for LNMHacks 2.0

A blend of financial technology that describes an emerging financial services sector in the 21st century. It has expanded to include any technological innovation in the financial sector, including innovations in financial literacy and education, retail banking, investment and even cryptocurrencies.

A study and ethical practice for assisting learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing apt technological processes and resources.It is the use of technology in form of products/apps/tools to enhance learning. It aims at aiding current educational practises.

Retail is an activity of selling products or services to their end-users. It includes all activities involved in selling goods or services to the final consumers for personal, nonbusiness use.

4)Machine Learning
Machine Learning is one of the approaches to Artificial Intelligence. It revolves around the idea that we should really just be able to give machines access to data and let them learn for themselves.

5)Internet of Things
An advanced automation and analytics system that utilises networking, sensing, big data, and artificial intelligence technology to deliver complete systems for a product or service.

6)Computer vision
Concerned with simulating human vision using computer software and hardware. Reconstruct, Interrupting and understanding a 3D scene from its 2D images.

LNMHacks 2.0 will be held from 11th November 2017 to 12th November 2017 at The LNM Institute of Technology, Jaipur.

Mark the dates for an exhilarating experience!

Registrations are live till 5th November at

Learn more about LNMHacks 2.0 at

