Need a Loan Fast? Apply via a Pre-Approved Offer

Pardeep Sharma
Loan and Banking in India
2 min readMar 2, 2020

Availing a fast personal loan is beneficial in times of emergencies, like medical situations. Few financial companies disburse the loan within 24 hours of application catering to their needs. This is possible by going through the procedure of pre-approved loan offers.

What is a pre-approved offer?

Pre-approved offers are extended to prospective customers by the lending institution itself and hence can be processed faster than a normal loan. Nevertheless, these offers are available for a limited period, and customers need to act upon it in due time before it expires. Financial companies usually extend this offer to customers (or existing customers) who are deemed eligible and have been assessed for providing fast personal loans. The process isn’t long and tedious and the application can be approved quickly without need of collateral.

Must Read: Guide to Avail Quick Personal Loans Online

Advantages of pre-approved offers

  • Quick approval

Since financial companies extend the offer after assessing the eligibility and financial capability of a customer, the personal loan application is processed quickly for approval.

  • Instant disbursal of funds

With quick processing, financial institutions disburse the amount in the savings account of an applicant within 24 hours. They can immediately accumulate the funds and utilise it to fund their requirement.

  • High amount of loans

Eligible customers can avail as high as Rs.25 lakh by applying via pre-approved offers and make use of the substantial fund according to their need.

  • Flexible tenor

Financial companies offer customers with the flexibility to choose from a flexible range of tenor of up to 60 months (5 years). Customers can choose the tenor according to their financial standing. It is to note that reducing the value for tenor will increase the EMIs.

  • Minimal documentation

The documentation needed to avail fast personal loan via pre-approved offers is minimal as they only need to provide KYC documents, salary slip, etc.

Unsecured loans forms of credit like personal loans don’t require customers to pledge any collateral, and with pre-approved offers, they can acquire the needed funds quickly in their account.

Additional Read: Need a Personal Loan Fast then Apply Via a Pre-Approved Offer



Pardeep Sharma
Loan and Banking in India

An experienced financial analyst, researcher & writer. I have done MBA in Finance. I have worked extensively in the finance sector.