Things to Know Before You Go For Personal Loan Foreclosure

Pardeep Sharma
Loan and Banking in India
2 min readNov 6, 2020

When it comes to funding your multiple needs, you can rely on the facility of the personal loan and get a large amount from leading lenders.

But what if you want to foreclose the personal loan account before the actual tenure?

Yes, if you wish to do that, then you can do that easily.

You can also make the most of the personal loan foreclosure calculator and know about the charges in advance. Read on this post and know more!

What is personal loan foreclosure?

When you decide to foreclose the loan account before the actual tenure, then you can bask in the feeling of being debt-free. This way, you can use the loan EMIs for any other purposes as per your wish or manage your expenses better.

However, when you opt for the personal loan foreclosure on your own, then you need to pay some fees to the lender.

But doing the same without being aware of the charges of personal loan foreclosure is not a smart thing.

It is where using the personal loan foreclosure calculator can help you know about all charges.

Must Read: How to Get a Personal Loan That Meets Your Financial Needs

What charges do you need to pay for foreclosing the personal loan?

Before you go ahead with the personal loan foreclosure, you need to request for it with your lender. Once your lender gives you the go-ahead, then you will need to pay some charges.

Averagely, the personal loan foreclosure charges of the lender will be around 3–6%. It will be 3–6% of the principal amount that you are yet to pay.

If you can manage to pay the 3–6% of the remaining principal amount, then opting for the personal loan foreclosure is a smart option. It will help you become debt-free sooner.

When you don’t have any amount to pay as the EMI, then you can relax and use the same for other purposes in your life or simply save it for the future!

Must Read: Remember These Points Before Availing Personal Loan Foreclosure



Pardeep Sharma
Loan and Banking in India

An experienced financial analyst, researcher & writer. I have done MBA in Finance. I have worked extensively in the finance sector.