Tips to Improve Personal Loan Eligibility

Pardeep Sharma
Loan and Banking in India
2 min readSep 27, 2019

A personal loan is an unsecured loan that is generally taken to satiate personal requirements. Though this loan requires no collateral, it is important to be sure about your eligibility before applying for the same. Let’s find out some important tips to improve your personal loan eligibility.

Maintain An Impressive Credit Score

It’s a no-brainer that a higher credit score or CIBIL score reflects a high probability of loan approval. The credit score is one of the major factors that can boost your personal loan eligibility within no time. It is important to maintain a credit score of 750 and above so as to become a credible applicant. If you maintain an impressive credit score then banks and non-banking financial institutions can easily give you the loan without asking much.

Show That You Earn Adequate Income

According to the banks and non-banking financial institutions, you can pay back loans only if you earn adequate income and this fact is 100% true. Therefore, if lenders find out that you are unable to pay your loans back then they likely to reject your application. The more adequate your income, the higher are the chances to get personal loans easily.

Choose Longer Tenure

Choosing longer tenure is yet another way to boost your personal loan eligibility. Longer tenure indicates that you are capable to repay the loan for a certain period of time in the future.

Pay Off All Existing Loans

It is advised that when you apply for the personal loan, make sure that you don’t have any other loan payment in a queue. Pay off all existing loans that can instantly increase your personal loan eligibility.



Pardeep Sharma
Loan and Banking in India

An experienced financial analyst, researcher & writer. I have done MBA in Finance. I have worked extensively in the finance sector.