Hotel of the Month May 2019

Ashley Kooter
Lobster Ink
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2019

Winning our Hotel of the Month award means your establishment is part of an exclusive club. One where learning is an integral part of the culture and the benefits thereof are felt by both team members and guests alike. To win twice in the same year is a truly exceptional achievement. This month, that honor goes to Kempinski Villa Rosa where the team completed a remarkable 1 342 subjects with an average score of 87%!

Winning twice is no accident. People Training Manager, Nancy Magara, and her team have worked hard to establish Lobster Ink as the preferred learning tool, encouraging and motivating learners to complete their learning journeys consistently and timeously. Motivational tactics include a Lobster board that tracks top performers as well as recognizing exemplary learners during town hall meetings. But, it’s tapping into an underlying eagerness to learn new things within the learners themselves that has proven to be most effective.

And it shows in their daily duties. “From the confidence displayed in their roles to the knowledge displayed in service, Lobster Ink becomes their point of reference in tasks. We lead our competitive set month after month and are also in the top ten for the MEA region for great guest reviews.”

For the second time this year, congratulations to Nancy and the entire team at Kempinski Villa Rosa. Your continued success is an inspiration and proof of what can be achieved when dedicated learners are managed and lead with passion.

