We don’t need more products destined from the landfill, we need a bottom-up revolution.

Please say no to Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals and seek out inspiration instead.

On one hand, it feels like people are starting to wake up. Last week, London was brought to a standstill with people protesting the climate crisis (thank you Extinction Rebellion). Meanwhile, the popularity of new economic movements that prioritise human and planetary wellbeing is spreading across the globe, and we’re seeing more and more people raise their voices about their dissatisfaction with the economic systems that are destroying their livelihoods, land and well-being. The bottom-up revolution is happening, and it couldn’t be more timely. Thank you to everyone who is choosing to be part of the solution.

On the other hand, we’re in the midst of the biggest consumerist week of the calendar year — Black Friday and Cyber Monday, days made up by corporations to encourage us to spend more money, have created a marketing bombardment that’s almost unavoidable. Over the coming weeks, billions will be spent on products destined for the landfill.

To do our part in fuelling the bottom-up revolution, we want to encourage screen usage to be used as as a source of inspiration instead of a distraction to the crises we face, that’s why we’ve decided to make our award winning documentary, The Economics of Happiness, free to view on the Films for Action website until November 27th.

The money we earn from film sales goes into our projects focused on renewing ecological, social and spiritual well-being across the globe. But this week it seems right that we forgo the money simply encourage as many people as possible to seek out inspiration, share the film with others, and join the movement towards a brighter future for all living beings and mother earth.

If you haven’t seen it yet, The Economics of Happiness will educate you on the causes of the world’s current crises, show you the alternatives that are spreading all over the globe, and explain how you can be part of the solution.

We’d love to hear what the film inspires you to do this week! Please feel free to comment here, send us an email, or contact us on our Facebook or Twitter accounts. Thank you for supporting us, and we hope you enjoy watching and sharing the film.



Local Futures
Local Futures — Economics of Happiness

Local Futures works to renew ecological, social and spiritual well-being by promoting a systemic shift towards economic localization.