Voice Search: How to Rank for it Using SEO & Trends [2021]?

Ivan Jajic
Simplify Content
Published in
9 min readJan 18, 2021
voice search
source — pixabay

TL;DR Web optimization is the key to voice search appearance. The system identifies the keywords and context of the query and delivers the output. In order to rank for that search, crucial is the optimization of the web site for content strategy (local or e-commerce) & snippet-structured data to reach a solid appearance in your industry-related voice searches.

Before we start below you can find the content discussed in this post for easier navigation:

1. What is Voice Search & How it works?

2. 3 Key Factors for Optimized SEO Voice Search

Google Answer Box — Featured Snippet

Content Strategy

Rich Snippet

3. Is there an easier way to Voice Search?

1. What is Voice Search & How it works?

If there is one huge opportunity for the local store and shop owners as well as e-commerce ones in 2021 and beyond that would be Voice search — let me tell you why and how to optimize it for yourself!

Check the blow video provided by Google if you are in a hurry!

source — YouTube (Google Channel)

It activates through a virtual assistant or a command icon on your phone. Virtual well-known assistants types are Alexa (Amazon), Siri (Apple), OK Google (Google) and Cortana (Microsoft) which are widely used in search terms while you can still do it manually without „calling anyone’s names“ by pressing a voice command icon on your phone and wait for the answer.

Before that for those that are new to Voice Search let me explain it for you. Voice search is a method of gathering content around questions we might have in our daily lives. For example, you are using Apple-based Siri (link) to help you find where you could have a great vegan meal while you are having fun on the beach. Siri will search the web for these inputs and eventually will provide you with the name of the restaurant and its location. However, how does Siri know which restaurant offers the best vegan menu? Let us find out.

English language is used in 95% of the cases and is the main language of the voice search. The system works through a combination of automatic speech recognition (ASR), natural language understanding and text-to-speech (TTS) depending on the cases. In other words, the system detects the language spoken, identifies the keywords and context of the query and delivers the output.

Statistic wise:

  • According to Juniper Research, voice assistants’ usage will go on over $8.4 billion smartphones by 2024 compared to $4.2 billion in 2020.
  • Voice recognition market size will skyrocket by 2025 to $27.16 billion from $10.7 billion in 2019 according to Statista
  • Usage of smart speakers is challenging according to the smart speakers U.S. adult survey provided by Forrester as the consumers mainly search for weather 65% and only 5% for product ordering.
  • Mobile voice search is being used by 27% of the global population according to Google reports

Is that too simple to be true? How do I rank for those keywords?

Well, by writing the content of course!

TL;DR Voice search uses human-speech to provide output given the required input with the help of a virtual assistant or click of a button. There are two types, virtual assistant and command icon on a smartphone. Statistics predict an exponential increase in voice search usage as well as its market size (triple the size from 2019 until 2025).

2. 3 Key Factors for Optimized SEO Voice Search

source — pixabay

When searching into search engines people tend to write 2–4 words to get the result but with speak search, things get a bit more complicated. According to Backlinko, a typical person speaks in 7–8 words for the same query.

Therefore, to qualify for the voice search content needs optimization in various ways such as:

· Google answer box — Featured Snippet

· Content strategy (specific for local or e-commerce businesses)

· Rich Snippet

So let’s begin

Google Answer Box — Featured Snippet

Have you ever wondered and typed in a term into Google that you wanted to get information for? Sure, you did and the answer box opened in 90% of the cases?

Well, you scrolled up and down to find the answers but the answer box or „People also ask“ section was always first to see and check.

featured snippet
author’s work

There you would find short answers for your query but will also have suggestions on similar topics of the interest area.

The term used for such an answer format is a snippet. The snippet is a type of structured data, which you can add to the HTML of your web site to allow search engines a better recognition.

Featured Snippet

When we enter one of the „W“ starting questions into a search engine we will get something similar to this:

featured google answer box
author’s work

The question was „why is SEO hard?“ and we received the answer in the form of a featured snippet which denotes a short answer to our questions but also gives us the web page from which this answer was taken.

In the past, back in 2014 Google introduced this feature but due to over-usage, this feature is now showing only the most authoritative pages in a certain field.

So for you to appear in this section your page needs to be highly authoritative.

That is the place for you to start if you would like to be the one who will be listed there, but it is not easy and you will need to go through some steps in order to achieve it!

1. Site speed

2. Authority Site

3. FAQ section

Site speed

source — pixabay

Before doing anything else, you should have a fast and efficient web theme with corresponding web hosting and security (it is an important aspect of today’s online business).

If you are not sure where to check for, PageSpeed Insights provided by Google will let you know all the important aspects and how to solve the problems you might have on your web site.

Authority Site

source — pixabay

If you would like to attract new customers and be the number one site in your field, you should not neglect the domain authority ranking.

SEO and keyword search tools rank keywords according to their difficulty and wide usage but search engines check for domain authority. Being authoritative in a certain field will get you not only above your competitors, but will also rank you higher meaning placing you closer to the customer!

FAQ section

FAQ section
source — pixabay

The fun part of the whole agenda is the content itself of course!

Therefore, in order to be listed, you need to provide answers on certain subjects your potential client aka buyer persona is looking and searching for.

You will definitely find the help in the answer box where you will check which questions customers might ask for in your area of expertise.

This is one of the methods but check your already established customer list for more information. After checking for questions build a FAQ section on your web page.

TIP: Do not just answer those questions in a single sentence but also try to give a short overview in the beginning while attracting the reader to look more in-depth at your article.

TL;DR Voice Search needs specific web optimization but mainly focused on google answer box (“people also ask”), site speed and FAQ section.

Content Strategy (specific for local or e-commerce businesses)

content marketing strategy
source — pixabay

We already touched on some of the terms in the above section related to the potential client base, which is the core of every business.

For every content strategy you need to know your customer, where is he consuming the content (social media, YouTube, web pages, etc.), how is he consuming it (video, blog, etc.).

If you are unsure of the concept, check this article from HubSpot.

There are slight differentiations in local business and e-commerce voice SEO content search

Local business

Should concentrate on listing all the relevant information — work hours, location, insight info about products they offer, list brands/tools they use in daily work, etc.

This list is just the beginning but if you are interested in more check this article.


In order for the search engines to immediately recognize what you are selling — establish product structure on your product pages.

The product structure is a structured data type that will inform search engines of a product you are having meaning that you will rank faster and will have more authority in a certain field. The name for this feature is Rich Snippet.

After all the research you finally know for who you are creating content, do answer all the „W“ starting words (Who, When, etc.) in your blog post for your business area. By doing this you will not only have more product surrounding content but will guide more customers towards your products.

Do not concentrate only on blog posts but „fuel“ your web presence by implementing podcasts, videos, mobile apps and later on maybe courses in your field of expertise.

By doing this you will increase the possibility of ranking in the same old answer box by providing additional information for related topics. Not only will you rank in the answer box but you will be listed in the other forms of featured snippet if you are authoritative enough.

However, there is another snippet worth mentioning.

Let’s check it

TL;DR In every content strategy the most important part is the “buyer persona” or the client base for which you are creating content. There are slight differentiations in local and e-commerce content strategy due to their nature of publishing content.

Rich Snippet

source — pixabay

The below screenshot features a rich snippet — the only one listing that is different from the others

Source — google search

The difference is in the stars ratings. Rich snippets or rich results are normal results with additional information displayed such as reviews, ratings, number of bought items, price range, etc.

As mentioned earlier all this information is pulled from the structured data of a page’s HTML.

Some web platforms, especially WordPress has in certain themes an availability of showing rich snippets on every product page listed. In case you are working on other platforms, you need to implement it manually.

TL;DR There are snippets to help search engines to read your page faster and structure it according to its purpose. Using structured data in the HTML of the web page search engines “read” and push the content to clients that state questions in the form of “W” (what, why, etc.) as well as show ratings of your product pages.

3. Is there an easier way to Voice Search?

Well, not for now, but the future looks bright for sure!

To make it easier for you in order to follow the path once again below are guidelines on how to do it:

author’s work

Once you understand the logic around building a content strategy and finding the client base voice search results will be there with minimal effort.

Furthermore, building content that answers your readers’ questions in any format will not only result in voice search recognition but in organic search as well.

Therefore, do not wait but start implementing!

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Ivan Jajic
Simplify Content
Editor for

ContentMarketer @ContentSimplify with an MSc in Finance with a goal to grow together with B2B Startup, Enterprise, or Solo Entrepreneurs digitally.