The End: Weeks 50–52 Reading Schedule

Brian Douglas
Local Theologians
Published in
1 min readDec 9, 2017

For the few (the proud?) Calvin readers still working through Institutes, this schedule says the readings for weeks 47–49 will be:

Day 1: sections 4.20.2–7 (pages 2.1487–1493 in the Battles edition)
Day 2: 4.20.8–11 (2.1493–1500)
Day 3: 4.20.12–19 (2.1500–1507)
Day 4: 4.20.19–26 (2.1507–1514)
Day 5: 4.20.27–32 (2.1514–1521)

That’s it! You’re done!
There’s nothing left to read for weeks 51–52!

I’ve heard from a couple people who’ve already finished — congratulations! As always, we your thoughts via comments, Twitter, Facebook, or email.

