Weeks 36–37 Reading Schedule

Brian Douglas
Local Theologians
Published in
1 min readSep 3, 2017

Hey there, Calvin readers! If you’re still tracking with us, this schedule says the readings for weeks 36–37 will be:

Day 1: sections 4.3.8–15 (pages 2.1060–1066 in the Battles edition)
Day 2: 4.3.16–4.4 (2.1066–1072)
Day 3: 4.4.5–10 (2.1072–1079)
Day 4: 4.4.11–5.1 (2.1079–1085)
Day 5: Catch up day!

Day 1: 4.5.2–7 (2.1085–1092)
Day 2: 4.5.8–15 (2.109–1098)
Day 3: 4.5.16–6.3 (2.1098–1104)
Day 4: 4.6.4–9 (2.1104–1110)
Day 5: 4.6.10–16 (2.1110–1117)

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