Weeks 38–39 Reading Schedule

Brian Douglas
Local Theologians
Published in
1 min readSep 18, 2017

If any Calvin readers are still on target, this schedule says the readings for weeks 38–39 will be:

Day 1: sections 4.6.17–7.4 (pages 2.1117–1123 in the Battles edition)
Day 2: 4.7.5–10 (2.1123–1129)
Day 3: 4.7.11–17 (2.1129–1136)
Day 4: 4.7.18–22 (2.1136–1142)
Day 5: 4.7.23–30 (2.1142–1149)

Day 1: 4.8.1–7 (2.1149–1155)
Day 2: 4.8.8–12 (2.1155–1161)
Day 3: 4.8.13–9.3 (2.1162–1168)
Day 4: 4.9.4–11 (2.1168–1175)
Day 5: 4.9.12–10.2 (2.1175–1181)

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