Transgression and transgression

reflections about transgression

Feel the Earth // Mærk Jorden

“We live in a political world
Love don’t have any place
We’re living in times
Where men commit crimes
And crime don’t have any face”

(Bob Dylan, Nobel Price 2016)

Has transgression become the norm?

Quotations of discussion on facebook after the Iceland session of Nordisk Bærekraft 2016. It is inspried by Caitlin Wilson's lecture “Transgressive potential: Can we learn our way out of unsustainability?”.

It further took a turn confronted with actual incidents in Island concerning environmental challenges.

C “The victory Mummi told you about where Landvernd and another environmental NGO used legal measures to challenge plans to put power lines through protected lava fields is now threatened by the government (prime minister, minister for industry, minister for the environment, and the national planning agency) who proposed a bill that would issue permits for construction immediately and cancel our case. And this new bill would be unchallengeable; it is essentially an executive order” ...

F “… talking about transgression in the definition of violating democratic laws of society — in a way that’s what often happens:

We have the environmental rules and conventions — at least in many Nordic country’s — , but with money combined with power you can”.

Is there a term that describes transgression, in the sense of violating society laws in favour of nature, with the aim to stop this form of transgression, linked to abuse and corruption?


In our discussion about “transgression” in the meaning of civil disobedience I referred to Vandana Shiva who, in the film “Tomorow / Demain Le Film”(Fr), freely quoted said:

“We have to struggle against all structures that lead to destruction of our common planet, even if it is against the law …”

May be, that in a Nordic context it is about knowing and applying the rights we already achieved like the Arhus Convention. See also about this struggle in DK Nej til mørklægning af Århus konventionen.

One thing is sure: nature transgresses the laws of human civilisation.


The Invisible Commitee: “The Coming Insurrection”

