Andrew Witty
Vibe Repository
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2016

Teezy is a friend of mine from my first years in Wellington. He’s a groovy guy that sees the world with a different pair of (maybe three) eyes than most others, and has visited dimensions most others haven’t as well. He’s recently gotten into producing in his downtime in CHCH and made this trippy video with a dope beat which is an insight into the man. Just like his music, Teze is a collage, and you never quite know what you’re going to get.

In the beginning, my main approach to making music was to express the most basic ideas of what its like to be a human, the ups & downs, the pains and the triumphs. This outlet of expression started with rap, now its slowly evolved to electronic music and now back to rap with a more trap influence. My approcah has eloved from basic self-expression to creating a euphroic feelings with more emphasis on the listener, to more comedy simple based ganster vibes. haha and these factors literally change every week or so…

And im just riding the waves of creativity.

I mostly create music to express the exuberance of culture, when your heavily apart of a culture( i.e. drug culture or dance culture) you dont get to see it from an outsiders perspective, but when i create a song that expresses a culture you get a real taste of the culture and it can be exphasised. I think we are lost in our culture (which isn’t a bad thing). I think art supports culture and gives us an outside view of it we would have never seen. I write music like a collage, like i find a sample or a nice synth sound, then i paste that, then find nice drums paste that, untill i have a unique picture. I think learning sample based production is the best way to become more creative.


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Listen to TE-ZE here and watch him here.


