How to buy LCS Cryptoshares — step by step guide

Tom Underwood
Published in
6 min readMar 21, 2018

The LocalCoinSwap ICO pre-sale is well underway. Having already reached the target soft-cap, and marching towards a sold out pre-sale, LocalCoinSwap is on track to a successful ICO and is a few steps closer to building a transformational peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange.

In order to make LCS Cryptoshares as easily accessible to as many people as possible, LCS has created a dashboard and payment payment portal that accepts investments in a wide variety of cryptocurrencies. Getting a hold of Cryptoshares is now as easy as creating a LCS username and following a few prompts in the payment portal.

To receive LCS Cryptoshares you will need an ERC20 compatible address. Click here to download the LocalCoinSwap “How to Receive Cryptoshares” guide.

This guide will show you how to:

  • Create a LocalCoinSwap username
  • Use the LCS dashboard
  • Purchase LCS Cryptoshares in the payment portal — using a variety of different cryptocurrencies
  • Create a referral code to bring new users to the platform
  • Change your LCS receiving wallet address
  • Set up an ERC20 compatible wallet using MyEthereumWallet or MetaMask

How to create a LocalCoinSwap username

To get ahold of LCS Cryptoshares, the first thing that is needed is to create a LocalCoinSwap username.

Step 1 Visit the LocalCoinSwap website and click the “Participate Now” button on the header.

Step 2 Click “Create one” button to create a new LocalCoinSwap account.

Step 3 Read through and agree to the Terms of Service.

Step 4 Enter your username, email, password and the ERC20 address where you would like to receive your LCS Cryptoshares. You can also enter any applicable referral code.

LocalCoinSwap dashboard

Now that you have registered your LocalCoinSwap username, you will be able to access the dashboard where you can buy and manage your LCS Cryptoshares.

You will notice when you first access the dashboard, your account will show an empty balance of LCS Cryptoshares.

You can buy Cryptoshares using any of the following cryptocurrencies:

  • Ethereum
  • Ethereum Classic
  • Bitcoin
  • Bitcoin Cash
  • Litecoin
  • Dash

How to purchase LCS Cryptoshares

Step 1 Select desired cryptocurrency to purchase LCS Cryptoshares. This example uses Ethereum.

Step 2 A unique deposit address will be generated for you to send your cryptocurrency to. Either copy the payment address or scan the QR code to initiate the payment.

Bonus calculation: each stage of the project offers a different bonus which is automatically calculated and included in the conversion.

Currently, the presale is offering a 40% bonus. This can be seen in the ETH to LCS conversion: 1 ETH = 2,500 LCS + 40% bonus = 3,500 LCS.

Cryptocurrency to LCS Cryptoshare conversion calculator

Click here to learn more about the bonus structure

Step 3 Send desired cryptocurrency purchase amount to unique deposit address. Note that this unique address can be used for multiple purchases of LCS Cryptoshares.

MyEthereumWallet dashboard

Step 4 Receive LCS Cryptoshares. Once the payment has been sent, the LCS Cryptoshares will be credited after 3 network confirmations or approximately 8 hours.

Once your LCS Cryptoshares have been received, your dashboard will be updated with your new balance.

How to create a referral code

Referrals are a great way to earn LCS Cryptoshares by bringing new people to the community. When someone uses your referral code, the referral bonus balance on your dashboard will be updated within 12 hours.

Referrals earned during the presale will be paid immediately at the end of the presale, and referrals earned during the ICO will be paid immediately at the end of the ICO.

To generate your own unique referral code to receive commission for users you introduce to LocalCoinSwap, simply access the dashboard and click the “get a code” button.

A unique referral code and referral link will be generated for you to use.

Your dashboard will now be updated with your referral code and link.

How to change your receiving address

If you wish to add or change your receiving wallet address, simply access the LocalCoinSwap dashboard and click the “change” button.

Enter your new ERC20 wallet address and click “change”.

Once your wallet is successfully changed, you will receive a confirmation email.

How to set up a MEW and MetaMask wallet

In order to be able to receive LCS Cryptoshares you will need an ERC20 compatible Ethereum wallet. Our personal recommendation is MyEthereumWallet (MEW) or MetaMask.

Setting up a MyEthereumWallet

Step 1 First you will need to set up a new MyEthereumWallet. This video tutorial shows the processing of setting up a new MEW wallet.

Make sure you follow each prompt thoroughly as you will be asked to assign keys given sensitive data needed to access and protect your wallet.

How to set up a MEW wallet

Step 2 Once you have a MEW wallet, you will need to add LCS as a custom token. To do so, you will need to click the following on the MEW website:
“View Wallet Info” tab > “Add Custom Token” button> enter LCS token details.

The LCS Cryptoshare token details are the following:
Address: 0xAA19961b6B858D9F18a115f25aa1D98ABc1fdBA8
Decimal Places: 18
Token Symbol: LCS

View wallet info
Add custom token
Enter the LCS Cryptoshare token details

Setting up a MetaMask wallet

MetaMask is a chrome extension that acts as an ERC20 compatible Ethereum wallet.

Step 1 First you will need to set up a new MetaMask wallet. This video introduction shows you how to set up and use a new MetaMask wallet.

MetaMask introduction video

Step 2 Once you have a MetaMask wallet, you will need to add LCS as a custom token. To do this, you will need to access the MetaMask extension in your browser and do the following:
“Add token” > enter LCS token details > “Add”

The LCS Cryptoshare token details are the following:
Address: 0xAA19961b6B858D9F18a115f25aa1D98ABc1fdBA8
Decimal Places: 18
Token Symbol: LCS

Access MetaMask chrome extension
Enter LCS Cryptoshare token details

Congratulations! You are now ready to send and receive LCS Cryptoshares.

Disclaimer: This guide is not investment advice and should be used as a reference only. The use of cryptocurrency constitutes high levels of risk. It is your responsibility to ensure that all necessary safety precautions are taken.

