2024 E-Commerce Tech Stack Guide 101

Rahul Jain
Published in
20 min readApr 13, 2024

In this guide, we reveal the top tools you should consider when building a strong e-commerce tech stack in the coming year. To help match your business needs, we’ll look at leading e-commerce tools sorted by what they do best. We’ll walk through what you need to know about building a powerful, easy-to-use e-commerce tech stack — without having to rob a bank.

What is an E-Commerce Tech Stack?

A tech stack is a collection of software, tools and products that an entrepreneur uses to run their business. They work together in tandem to optimise daily tasks across functions — sales, marketing, finance, logistics, customer service, return and other areas — while driving insights to fuel growth.

In today’s highly competitive e-commerce landscape, having the right tools is a game changer. A good setup can make online businesses faster, save time, and cut costs. It helps brands, whether selling straight to customers or other businesses, create a more efficient way to get products from suppliers to buyers. For shoppers, this means a better experience: things like automated order tracking, easy returns, and knowing exactly where their delivery is at every step of the way.‍

What Should you Consider while Building this Tech Stack?

There is a tool available for anything you want to accomplish in your business today. However, this abundance doesn’t make picking the tools to make the stack easy. Here are the factors you should consider:

  1. Cost
  2. Compatibility
  3. Ease of Use
  4. Adaptable
  5. Support

Let’s dive a little deeper, shall we?

  1. Cost: Your core stack can be a bare-bone structure of 2/3 tools to 20+ tools, depending on the size of your operations and the way you approach the process of building the stack. As the number of tools grows, it’s easy to lose track of the costs. Set a budget and then evaluate different plans and tiers as they have varied costs.
  2. Compatibility: The tools that you pick should just seamlessly integrate into one another, and transfer data quickly and reliably.
  3. Adaptable: The tools you pick should also let you combine features between tools either directly or through third-party integration methods.
  4. Ease of Use: All solutions/tools require some sort of a learning curve, so it’s advisable to select tools that are easy to install, set up and use. The higher the solution is on user-friendliness, the easier it is to fix in case something breaks or does not function the way it is supposed to.
  5. Support: Make sure the support team is available during your business hours and on multiple different channels like email, phone, or live chat. A good support team means that you’ll have a team to help you out in case there are any problems that you cannot fix yourself.

Balance your Tech-stack Budget Against Potential ROI

The money you invest into building the tech stack doesn’t magically disappear — it unlocks revenue-generating opportunities. When considering different tools and their pricing, it’s a good idea to weigh them against the potential ROI at a tool level.

At a high level, you can determine the potential ROI of each tool by weighing the expenses for a given period — such as subscription costs, cost of adding new users, and training/setup fees — over potential gains. It might be tough to quantify the amount a new tool brings into figures, however, consider gains like an increase in sales or reduced labour costs to start.

Try creating an idealistic estimate (low cost and high return) and a pessimistic estimate (high cost and low return) to get closer to an accurate number. For example, if your idealistic estimate suggests that a marketing tool will increase your store’s sales by 10%, then you could consider the cost if you have already not factored it in. You will need to procure tools that either do multiple things or are compatible with multiple tools. Ideal categories to cover would be:

  1. Store Hosting
  2. Store Marketing
  3. Social Media Management
  4. Analytics
  5. Sales
  6. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  7. Automation
  8. Inventory Management
  9. Payment Processing
  10. Website Optimisation
  11. Returns & Shipping
  12. Customer Service

Let’s dive a little deeper into a few options under each of these tools.

Store Hosting
While setting up your e-commerce tech stack, the first thing you will have to consider is the hosting platform. The platform will allow you to build a custom website — regardless of your coding experience — using drag-and-drop commands. Many hosting platforms offer services such as website hosting, website security, and payment processing to make your life easier.
A few common options are listed below:


Shopify is a user-friendly and all-in-one hosted e-commerce platform. It offers a wide range of templates, customisation options, and an intuitive interface, making it popular among small to medium-sized businesses. Unique Offerings:

  • All-in-One Solution: Shopify is an all-encompassing platform offering hosting, domain, and a range of built-in tools for e-commerce, eliminating the need for additional services.
  • Extensive App Store: It has a vast app store offering numerous add-ons and integrations to extend functionalities, catering to various business needs.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Known for its intuitive interface, making it accessible for beginners to set up and manage an online store without extensive technical knowledge.


WooCommerce is an open-source e-commerce plugin for WordPress, that provides flexibility and customisation options for online stores. It integrates seamlessly with WordPress, offering control over the store’s design and functionality. Unique Offerings:

  • Flexibility and Customisation: Being a plugin for WordPress, WooCommerce allows extensive customisation and flexibility through themes, plugins, and access to the WordPress ecosystem.
  • Open Source: As an open-source platform, it allows users to modify code, enabling more tailored solutions and unique functionalities.
  • Scalability: With its flexibility, WooCommerce can scale effectively, adapting to growing businesses’ changing needs.

BigCommerce is a scalable, cloud-based e-commerce platform suitable for businesses of various sizes. It provides a comprehensive set of features, including hosting, security, and marketing tools. Unique Offerings:

  • Scalable and Enterprise-Grade: BigCommerce offers enterprise-level features and scalability, making it suitable for larger businesses seeking robust and powerful e-commerce solutions.
  • Built-in Features: It provides numerous built-in features such as multi-channel selling, advanced marketing tools, and a wide range of payment gateways, reducing reliance on third-party apps.
  • Focus on Performance: Known for its strong focus on performance optimisation, ensuring faster loading times and smoother operations for online stores.

Store Marketing

According to data from The Drum, online ad spends have increased by 90% since the pandemic set in. Getting consistent traffic means getting visitors organically and via ads. This means getting the cost and marketing strategy right for your store.

Getting the strategy right means picking the right tools that let you do multiple things with ease:


Mailchimp is an all-in-one marketing platform that offers email marketing, automation, customer relationship management (CRM), and website-building tools. It’s known for its user-friendly interface and versatility in creating effective email campaigns. Unique Offerings:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Mailchimp offers a drag-and-drop email builder and an easy-to-use interface, ideal for beginners.
  • Versatility: It provides a wide range of features including email marketing, automation, CRM, and website building tools all in one platform.
  • Integration and Analytics: Integrates seamlessly with various e-commerce platforms and provides comprehensive analytics for campaign assessment.


Omnisend is a multichannel marketing automation platform specialising in email, SMS, push notifications, and other channels. It’s tailored for e-commerce, enabling personalised campaigns based on customer behaviour. Unique Offerings:

  • Multichannel Approach: Omnisend specialises in multichannel marketing, combining email, SMS, push notifications, and more for diverse outreach.
  • Advanced Automation: Offers powerful automation workflows to create targeted and personalised messages based on customer behaviour.
  • Omni-channel Marketing: Allows businesses to integrate multiple channels for a cohesive and unified marketing strategy.


Klaviyo is an email marketing and automation platform designed specifically for e-commerce businesses. It focuses on data-driven marketing, enabling personalised communication based on customer behaviour and preferences. Unique Offerings:

  • E-commerce Focus: Klaviyo is designed specifically for e-commerce, offering deep integration with e-commerce platforms and enabling data-driven segmentation.
  • Personalisation Capabilities: Provides advanced automation features for tailored customer experiences and personalised communication.
  • Detailed Analytics: Offers robust analytics and reporting tools for gaining insights into campaign performance and customer behaviour.

Zoho Campaigns:

Zoho Campaigns is an email marketing and automation tool by Zoho, that offers a suite of marketing solutions for businesses. It provides features for designing, sending, and analysing email campaigns. Unique Offerings:

  • Affordable Plans: Zoho Campaigns provides cost-effective plans including a free tier suitable for smaller businesses.
  • User-Friendly Design: It offers a straightforward interface, making it easy to create and manage email campaigns without technical complexities.
  • Integration with Zoho Suite: Integrates seamlessly with other Zoho products and offers CRM capabilities for enhanced customer management.

Social Media Management

There are a lot of eyeballs on social media, so redirecting them to your brand will take some effort. Platforms where your audience is will be full of marketing opportunities. Along with solving for marketing to your audience on social media platforms, social media management tools provide benefits such as automating managing social profiles and turning your social media profiles into customer service channels. A few common options are listed below:


Hootsuite is a comprehensive social media management platform that allows scheduling, monitoring, and analysing social media content across various platforms from a single dashboard. Unique Offerings:

  • Centralised Management: Enables managing multiple social media accounts from one dashboard.
  • Scheduling and Analytics: Offers scheduling tools and detailed analytics for performance measurement.
  • Collaboration Features: Facilitates team collaboration and workflow efficiency for social media tasks.


Buffer is a streamlined social media management tool focusing on content scheduling, publishing, and analytics across different social platforms. Unique Offerings:

  • Intuitive Interface: User-friendly design and simplicity in scheduling and publishing posts.
  • Scheduling Flexibility: Allows scheduling content at optimal times for different social media platforms.
  • Analytics and Insights: Provides basic analytics to track engagement and performance metrics.

Sprout Social:

Sprout Social is a robust social media management and analytics platform offering tools for content scheduling, engagement, and analytics. Unique Offerings:

  • Smart Inbox: Aggregates messages and interactions across various social networks for efficient engagement.
  • CRM Integration: Integrates with CRM systems for better customer relationship management.
  • Advanced Reporting: Provides comprehensive analytics and reporting for in-depth insights.


Crowdfire is a social media management tool that helps with content scheduling, publishing, analytics, and audience engagement, with a focus on user growth. Unique Offerings:

  • User Growth Tools: Offers features to help users grow their social media following.
  • Content Suggestion: Provides content suggestions and curation tools for varied content creation.
  • Analytics and Insights: Provides insights to track follower growth and engagement metrics.


Running a business is not easy, you have to make a million decisions daily. Knowing which decisions to make and how they affect your business is crucial. In this section, we explore data-driven insights to pave the way for informed decision-making. These tools will help unlock a wealth of information, empowering you to make smarter and optimised strategies:

Google Analytics:

Google Analytics is an analytics service offered by Google that is designed to provide real-time insights regarding how users find and use your website. Unique Offerings:

  • Comprehensive Data: Offers a wide range of metrics and reports to understand user interactions.
  • Customization: Allows customization with custom dimensions, metrics, and reporting based on business needs.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other Google products and third-party tools.


SEMrush is an all-in-one marketing toolkit focusing on competitive analysis, SEO, PPC, and content marketing. Unique Offerings:

  • Competitive Analysis: Provides insights into competitors’ strategies, keywords, and ad campaigns.
  • SEO and PPC Tools: Offers tools for keyword research, site audits, backlink analysis, and PPC campaign management.
  • Content Marketing: Assists in content creation and optimisation based on data-driven insights.


Amplitude is a product analytics platform specialising in user behaviour analysis across web and mobile applications. Unique Offerings

  • Behavioral Analytics: Focuses on analysing user behaviour and engagement within applications.
  • Cohort Analysis: Provides cohort analysis for tracking user groups and understanding retention.
  • Personalisation: Enables data-driven personalisation based on user insights.


Mixpanel is a product analytics tool emphasizing event-based tracking for web and mobile applications. Unique Offerings:

  • Event-Based Analytics: Specialises in analysing user actions and behaviours within applications.
  • Funnel Analysis: Offers funnel analysis to optimise conversion paths and user journeys.
  • Retention Analysis: Provides insights into user retention and engagement.


E-commerce tools are designed to optimise your conversion rates which can be highly beneficial. E-commerce sales tools provide different capabilities, such as aiding in creating an ideal sales funnel, helping the sales team do customer outreach, or capturing customer data that you can leverage to boost sales. A few common options are listed below:

Hubspot Sales:

HubSpot Sales is a part of the HubSpot suite that offers sales tools to streamline processes, manage leads, and improve conversions. Unique Offerings:

  • CRM Integration: Seamlessly integrates with the HubSpot CRM for centralised customer data management.
  • Sales Automation: Provides automation features for email sequences, follow-ups, and lead nurturing.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Offers robust analytics to track sales performance and optimise strategies.


Showpad is a sales enablement platform that focuses on content management, sales training, and improving sales engagement. Unique Offerings:

  • Content Management: Offers a centralised platform for organising and sharing sales content, ensuring easy access for sales teams.
  • Training and Coaching: Provides tools for training sales teams with interactive content and coaching resources.
  • Analytics and Insights: Delivers insights into content usage, allowing teams to refine strategies based on engagement data.

Zoho Commerce:

Zoho Commerce is an e-commerce platform by Zoho offering tools for building online stores, managing sales, and integrating various business operations. Unique Offerings:

  • Integration with Zoho Suite: Seamlessly integrates with other Zoho products for efficient business management.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Provides an intuitive interface, suitable for beginners and small businesses.
  • Affordability: Offers cost-effective plans, making it accessible for startups and small-scale businesses.


PrestaShop is an open-source e-commerce solution known for its flexibility, allowing users to build and manage online stores. Unique Offering:

  • Flexibility and Customisation: Highly flexible platform enabling extensive customisation through modules and themes.
  • Community Support: Strong community offering numerous plugins and support resources.
  • Cost-Effective: The open-source base platform is free, making it budget-friendly for businesses.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Optimising customer experience stands as a crucial goal for all retailers, e-commerce stores also have to strive to improve the experience constantly. CRM tools play a pivotal role in efficiently managing customer relationships which is vital for any business. They offer organisation and automation, allowing you to focus on essential tasks without hassle. A few common options are listed below:

Hubspot CRM

HubSpot CRM offers a user-friendly interface with robust features for managing customer relationships, sales pipelines, and marketing efforts. Unique Offerings:

  • Free Version Available: Provides a free version with core CRM functionalities.
  • Integration Capabilities: Integrates seamlessly with various other tools and platforms.
  • Sales Automation: Offers automation features for streamlining sales processes.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud:

Salesforce Commerce Cloud provides a scalable and comprehensive CRM platform designed specifically for e-commerce businesses. Unique Offerings:

  • AI-Powered Insights: Utilises AI for personalised shopping experiences and predictive analytics.
  • Omnichannel Capabilities: Integrates across multiple channels for a unified customer experience.
  • Scalability: Scales effectively for businesses of various sizes.

Zoho CRM:

Zoho CRM is a versatile platform that integrates sales, marketing, and customer support tools to manage customer relationships effectively. Unique Offerings:

  • Affordability: Offers various plans suitable for different business sizes and budgets.
  • Customisation: Highly customisable to adapt to specific business needs.
  • Integration with Zoho Suite: Seamlessly integrates with other Zoho applications for enhanced functionality.

Freshworks CRM:

Freshworks CRM, formerly Freshsales, is an intuitive CRM solution offering automation, AI-based insights, and a unified view of customer interactions. Unique Offerings:

  • AI-Powered Lead Scoring: Utilises AI to prioritise leads based on engagement and behaviour.
  • 360-Degree Customer View: Provides a holistic view of customer interactions across various touchpoints.
  • Workflow Automation: Offers automation features to streamline sales processes and tasks.


Automating manual tasks such as tracking data for error or monitoring dip-in-performance through dashboards will free you and your team time to focus on other responsibilities. If you would like to leverage the power of automation on your website, try these automation solutions:


Zapier is an automation platform that enables users to connect different web applications and automate workflows. Unique Offerings:

  • User-Friendly: Offers a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for non-technical users.
  • Extensive Integration: Supports a vast array of third-party app integrations, allowing for versatile automation possibilities.
  • Automation: Enables the creation of automated workflows (Zaps) to connect apps and perform actions based on triggers.


Retool is a platform that empowers developers to build custom internal tools quickly by connecting to databases, APIs, and other data sources. Unique Offerings:

  • Rapid Tool Development: Enables developers to create custom tools with a drag-and-drop interface, accelerating the development process.
  • Flexible Connectivity: Allows connections to various data sources like databases, APIs, and internal systems for robust tool creation.
  • Security Features: Provides security features for data protection, user access control, and compliance.


Locale.ai is a Control Tower for Ops Observability & Actionability which empowers operations and business teams to leverage their data and set up a simple monitoring and alerting system of record. Unique Offerings:

  • Automate Issue Detection through Alerts: Instead of manually monitoring reports and dashboards, Locale monitors your data and alerts the right person on their preferred channel.
  • Track Statuses of Issues and Escalate if Unsolved: With Locale, every alert becomes a ticket someone resolves. Each ticket has its own SOP and is escalated if not solved in a specified time.
  • Measure Team Performance and Operations Health: Get insights on which problems are occurring the most, the resolution percentage of your team members and do better root cause analyses of your issues.

Inventory Management

Managing inventory is not something someone looks forward to. Of course, if you don’t keep track of your stock, you won’t be able to know what items need to be restocked or to communicate effectively with your suppliers. No matter the industry, if your business has inventory, inventory management software will help in improving customer service, operating efficiencies, and overall profitability. A few common options are listed below:


Cin7 is a cloud-based inventory management software that integrates inventory, POS, and supply chain management to streamline operations for retail and wholesale businesses. Unique Offerings:

  • All-in-One Solution: Offers comprehensive tools for inventory, point of sale (POS), and supply chain management.
  • Advanced Automation: Provides automation features for order fulfilment, warehouse management, and sales processes.
  • Multi-Channel Sales: Manages inventory across multiple sales channels and locations.


Ordoro is a multichannel inventory management platform designed to simplify order processing, inventory control, and shipping management for e-commerce businesses. Unique Offerings:

  • Order Management: Streamlines order processing and fulfilment across multiple sales channels.
  • Shipping Management: Manages shipping processes, including label printing and tracking.
  • Integration Capabilities: Integrates with various e-commerce platforms and shipping carriers.

Zoho Inventory:
Zoho Inventory is an inventory management software catering to small and medium-sized businesses, offering tools for order and inventory management across multiple channels. Unique Offerings:

  • Order and Inventory Tracking: Tracks inventory levels and manages orders efficiently.
  • Integration Capabilities: Seamlessly integrates with other Zoho applications for enhanced functionality.
  • Multi-Channel Sales: Manages inventory across various sales channels.

Fishbowl Inventory:

Fishbowl Inventory is a robust inventory management solution designed to integrate with QuickBooks and handle complex inventory needs. Unique Offerings:

  • Integrates with QuickBooks: Seamlessly integrates with QuickBooks for accounting and inventory management.
  • Customisation: Offers customisation options to adapt to specific business requirements.
  • Inventory Forecasting: Provides forecasting tools for better inventory planning.

Payment Processing

The ability to securely and conveniently accept payments and refund it is a vital capability for any online store. Modern payment processing solutions provide your customers with multiple payment processing options, like payment gateways that link your store to the flow of money/liquidity. A few common options are listed below:


Stripe is a global payment processing platform offering a suite of APIs for online payment processing, subscription management, and billing. Unique Offerings:

  • Developer-Friendly: Offers user-friendly APIs and developer tools for easy integration.
  • Diverse Payment Options: Supports various payment methods and currencies, enhancing customer convenience.
  • Security and Compliance: Provides robust security measures and compliance with industry standards.


PayPal is a widely used online payment platform that allows businesses and individuals to make and receive payments securely. Unique Offerings:

  • Global Reach: Widely recognised and accepted globally, providing a broad user base.
  • Frictionless Checkout: Customers can complete their checkout without having to fill in credit card numbers.
  • Buyer and Seller Protection: Protects both buyers and sellers in transactions.


Razorpay offers a wide range of payment options for businesses, including online payments, subscriptions, and more. Unique Offerings:

  • Multiple Payment Options: Supports various payment modes, including cards, UPI, wallets, and net banking.
  • Developer-Friendly APIs: Provides easy-to-use APIs and developer-friendly tools for seamless integration.
  • Advanced Analytics: Offers detailed insights and analytics for better decision-making.


PayU is another Indian payment gateway offering payment solutions for businesses, including online payments, recurring billing, and more. Unique Offerings:

  • Global Presence: Expands globally, catering to businesses across various countries and regions.
  • Security Measures: Prioritises security with robust fraud detection and prevention measures.
  • Subscription Billing: Offers tools for managing recurring payments and subscription billing.

Website Optimisation

Getting customers to add products to the shopping cart is an easy task, getting them to place the order or complete the payment is the bigger challenge. According to the Baymard Institute, the average cart abandonment rate across industries is 70%. You can use different tools to improve the conversion rate:


Optimizely is an experimentation platform that enables businesses to test and optimise their website’s shopping cart and overall user experience. Unique Offerings:

  • A/B Testing: Allows for easy A/B testing to compare different versions of the shopping cart.
  • Personalisation: Enables personalised experiences to enhance shopping cart conversions.
  • Insights and Analytics: Provides detailed insights and analytics for informed decision-making.

Wingify (VWO):

Wingify’s flagship product, VWO (Visual Website Optimizer) is an all-in-one conversion optimisation platform offering tools for A/B testing, visitor behaviour analysis, and more. Unique Offerings:

  • Multivariate Testing: Allows testing multiple variables simultaneously to optimise conversions.
  • Behavioural Targeting: Enables targeting specific user segments for personalised experiences.
  • Heatmaps and Recordings: Offers visual heatmaps and session recordings for in-depth analysis.


Ecwid is a tool that makes it easy to add products and a checkout page to any website or social media profile. Unique Offerings:

  • Mobile App: Provides a mobile app for managing the store on the go.
  • Global Selling: Supports multiple languages and currencies for global selling.
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: Offers tools to recover abandoned carts and reduce cart abandonment rates.

Returns & Shipping

Shipping and returns add a layer of complexity to your business as it affects multiple different aspects like logistics, finance, inventory, customer communication, and more. Most store owners would either not want to deal with this or automate it as much as possible. High-quality tools like the ones mentioned below allow you to automate the process as much as possible:


Shiprocket is a shipping and logistics platform providing simplified shipping solutions for e-commerce businesses. Unique Offerings:

  • Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrates with various e-commerce platforms and marketplaces.
  • Customisable Shipping: Offers customisable shipping options and packaging solutions.
  • Automated Returns: Provides tools for automated return processing and label generation.

Loop Returns:
Loop Returns is a returns management platform specialising in creating a seamless return experience to increase customer retention for e-commerce stores. Unique Offerings:

  • Self-Service Returns: Offers a self-service return portal for customers to initiate and track returns.
  • Automated Exchanges: Provides automated exchange options to improve the return process and customer satisfaction.
  • Analytics and Insights: Offers data-driven insights into return behaviour for optimising strategies.

Ordoro is a multichannel inventory management and shipping platform offering tools for order processing and inventory control. Unique Offerings:

  • Order and Shipping Management: Streamlines order processing and shipping across multiple sales channels.
  • Shipping Automation: Automates shipping label generation and carrier selection for efficient shipping.
  • Inventory Control: Offers tools for inventory management and tracking.

Customer Service

There are many pillars to the success of a business but the most important pillar is the customer. In today’s day and age, excellent customer service is one of the many ways in which you can distinguish yourself from the competition. A few common options are listed below:


Zendesk is a versatile customer service software that offers omnichannel support, ticketing, live chat, and self-service options for streamlined customer interactions. Unique Offerings:

  • Omnichannel Support: Enables support across multiple channels (email, chat, phone) for a unified customer experience.
  • Ticketing System: Provides a robust ticketing system for organising and managing customer queries efficiently.
  • Self-Service Options: Offers self-service portals and knowledge bases for customers to find answers independently.


Freshdesk is a cloud-based customer support platform that provides helpdesk functionalities, automation, and collaboration tools for efficient customer service. Unique Offerings:

  • Intuitive Interface: User-friendly interface suitable for both agents and customers.
  • Automations and Workflows: Offers automation tools to streamline repetitive tasks and workflows.
  • Multilingual Support: Provides multilingual support for global customer service.

Zoho Desk:

Zoho Desk is a web-based customer service software offering tools for ticket management, multichannel support, and customer self-service. Unique Offerings:

  • Ease of Use: Provides an intuitive interface and easy setup for quick adoption.
  • Multichannel Support: Manages customer interactions across multiple channels (email, phone, chat).
  • AI-Powered Assistance: Utilises AI for suggestions and automations to improve agent efficiency.

Gorgias is a helpdesk platform designed specifically for e-commerce, integrating with various e-commerce platforms to provide personalised customer support. Unique Offerings:

  • E-commerce Integration: Integrates with e-commerce platforms for efficient order and customer data retrieval.
  • Automation for Order-Related Queries: Automates order-related inquiries for quicker resolution.
  • Customer History and Insights: Provides detailed customer history and insights for personalised support.

Locale.ai is your one-stop solution for setting up triggers and automation!

Locale is an operations automation and issue-tracking solution, mainly focusing on two important steps in the operations process:

  • Automating monitoring dashboards and reports and creating a list of actionable tasks to avoid manual monitoring of data, eliminating redundant work in the process.
  • Create new incidents every time a new problem occurs and alert the right stakeholders on the operations team.

Using Locale, teams need to set up an alert once to ensure that their averages are constantly monitored and any deviation can be quickly notified to the right stakeholders, to take corrective measures and resolve problems within the desired and agreed-upon timelines.

How to set up an alert on Locale.ai in under 5 minutes?

Step 1: Connect a Data Source [Database, Google Sheets or SaaS Tools]

1.1 Connecting a Database: Locale helps connect with the major databases and data warehouses present today, and integrations are as easy as filling out a few fields and whitelisting Locale’s IP!

1.2 Connecting a Google Sheet: A recently launched feature is the ability to integrate with Google Sheets. GSheets are a major source of data in any organization and all it takes to connect is to specify the GSheet URL.1.3 Connecting to a SaaS tool via API Integration: Locale also connects with SaaS applications supporting an Open API and this helps assimilate data from the various tools that businesses use daily.

Locale database connections

Step 2: Set up Alert Configurations

In this step, we set rules to monitor the data. This starts with a SQL query or adding filters. Once you do this, you’ll be able to receive the results of the query or filter at a set frequency.

Playbooks can be set to ensure faster resolution, and automatic resolution can be enabled to ensure incidents on Locale are resolved with zero manual intervention, once they move out of the queue on your data source!

Dynamic stakeholder assignments are possible for larger teams. Incidents can be configured to have labels, escalations, and playbooks to ensure adherence.

Locale alert creation

Step 3: Notify Stakeholders

Connect with your preferred notification streams to ensure that your stakeholders receive all updates on time! Group your notifications to ensure end users don’t get spammed and yet receive all the incidents that they need to prioritize and work on.

ways to alert

‍You’re good to go! Once the alert is set, incidents will start flowing in when there are new rows identified in your datasource! Ready to transform your sales process and close deals faster? Try Locale.ai today and experience the easiest way to set up sales alerts and stay ahead in the game!‍


Setting up an e-commerce tech stack is a very intensive and complex process. There will be a learning curve for every new product you add to the mix. It is ideal to add only those products that fit into your current stack easily and seamlessly like it is almost invisible. This can be easily done by setting up automation to alert you when something changes, thereby freeing up your time and energy to what is important at the moment for the business.

Setting up a business comes with its own set of challenges, manually monitoring all metrics and the data can get overwhelming. Locale.ai helps you set up processes that will not only free man-hours but also improve the process aiding you to scale your business. Locale ensures comprehensive issue tracking, preventing oversight and enabling visibility into team activities, averting duplication of efforts.

