Introducing Locale: A missing part in the “activation layer” of the modern data stack

Akshay Badiger
5 min readNov 24, 2022


The activation layer is often overlooked when you’re looking to build a modern data stack — but that’s a mistake. We’ve built Locale to fill this gap in your modern data stack. Read on to find out how you can make your Ops proactive with Locale

What is the modern data stack and why should I care?

If you are familiar with the world of data or are in tech, then modern data stack is not a new term for you!

A modern data stack is an essential tool for any business looking to make the most of its data. The goal of modern data stacks is to greatly simplify the difficulty of managing data for users and ensure that the data is being used to drive decisions in the company.

What does this mean for Operations teams?

In the past, operations data was often difficult to access, store, and interpret. But thanks to digitalization and cloud-based storage solutions like data lakes and warehouses, companies are now able to collect and store more data than ever before.

That’s why companies are moving towards the “modern data stack” (MDS). A cloud-based MDS has many advantages over a traditional infrastructure: it’s more scalable and flexible; it can be accessed from anywhere, and it allows you to build observability tools in a scalable way.

If you want to take advantage of operational data, you need one thing above all else: ensure that it is being acted upon!

Need to activate your data in today’s day and age

Organizations are consuming increasingly high quantities of data, providing them with numerous data use cases and products to deal with. As a result, every product and business team is looking for timely, high-fidelity, actionable insights from their event data.

We call this actionable business observability. Companies no longer want to be blindsided by issues that should have been caught and fixed sooner, like customer experience degradations, fraudulent transactions, risk exposure, supply chain disruptions, delays, stockouts etc.

Instead, they want to move towards being proactive! Teams want to detect issues at the moment and dig into detailed event flows to quickly find the root cause. Then, they want to take immediate action, assign it to the right people and ensure they are being acted upon!

As the world of business becomes increasingly competitive, it’s important to keep an eye on your operations. That’s why we’ve seen a growing need for companies to manage their operations and product teams proactively.

This is not just a “nice-to-have” — it’s a critical element of being able to survive in this day and age.

Status Quo — Why does this problem still exist?

Ops data has always existed, but it was never considered valuable. For a long time, companies didn’t even have the tools to store their data, so they just kept it in spreadsheets and text files.

However, over the last few years, as companies began accumulating large amounts of data and storing it in their databases, they realized they needed a way to make sense of it all and that’s when they started looking for ways to use ops data. This has led to new tools that allow businesses to make better decisions by using their ops data.

So how are companies solving it today?

We spoke with operations teams all over the world and studied what businesses did to keep a pulse on their mission-critical, time-sensitive operations.

One way is by using BI tools on top of plain-SQL databases. They are fundamentally designed for offline reporting on static data and have performance and modeling issues. The other way is by building internal solutions with cron jobs and airflow. Occasionally, companies cobble together dozens of open-source tools to build a colossally complex home-grown system for alerting and observability.

Even with a large engineering team, these projects rarely last more than a year or two in production, highlighting the many technical challenges of building and maintaining them at scale.

So how do we tackle these problems?

Introducing Locale

For a long time, we have lived in a world where insight was the prime commodity. In today’s world, a lag between insight and action can be lethal. That’s why we built to ensure today’s teams are proactive!

Enter, a powerful command center designed to empower your high-performing teams with quick actionability! We enable your teams to

  1. Proactively alert your team members about issues that are likely to happen through alerts and then let them know how they can avoid them and increase their efficiency.
  2. Build a system of accountability. Once the right person is assigned to resolve a problem, we’ll track how long it takes for them to complete the task, as well as the number of tasks they completed within that time period-allowing us to measure how effective our decisions have been on our business performance!
  3. Ensure every issue gets acted upon via automation and notifications on Email, Slack Webhooks, Whatsapp, and more!

Sign up today!

Excited to get started? So are we!!! Alerts, workflows, and incident management are all just a few clicks away with Locale. Here’s how:

  • Integration takes 15 mins: Connect your data sources to configure your tables blazing fast.
  • Instrument alert rules in SQL: Start monitoring your business events so that you can act on time.
  • You’re ready to roll: Manage your incidents. Resolve, escalate, and take action.

If you are eager to know more about how Locale helps you set up Alerts, Book a call with one of our specialists to have all your questions answered today! Too good to be true? There is magic in the world, you just haven’t seen it yet😌

Go check out our product for yourself and sign up now:

Originally published at on November 24, 2022.



Akshay Badiger

Beachcomber on the shores of technology and marketing.