The Ultimate Guide To Locale For Logistics Companies

Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2022

Locale is a modern “control tower” for Ops Observability & Actionability. We help teams in leveraging their data to establish a simple monitoring and alerting system of record.

Here’s how Locale can help to make your operations proactive. You can:

  1. Proactively alert your team members about issues that are likely to happen through alerts, so they can avoid them and increase their efficiency.
  2. Identifying the root cause with a standard procedure in seconds not days, so you can mitigate risk and improve problem-solving across your organization.
  3. Building a system of accountability. Once the right person is assigned to resolve a problem. We’ll track how long it takes for a problem to be resolved, as well as the number of tasks that were completed in the time it took for someone to resolve it. This will ultimately allow you to measure the impact your decisions have on your business.

Top use cases

SLA Breaches

Problem: Tracking and tracking SLA breaches caused by delays in different legs of the journey of the item i.e. at pickup, in transit (or) at delivery.

Actions enabled

Delivery and Pickup failures

Problem: Tracking and eliminating failures at handoff points between various stakeholders(merchants, customers, etc) will help free up resources and capacity which would otherwise be wasted in making failed attempts and returning goods back to their origin.

Actions enabled

System Health Checks

Problem: Track and Monitor the health and performance of your Logistics system as a whole to identify and understand overarching problems. Sharp fluctuations in these metrics(TAT, POR, Dead Mileage, etc) can signal freak incidents that need to be solved.

Actions enabled

Issues and Incident Management

Once the issues are identified, they can be assigned to different members of the organization and the resolution time can be tracked over time. This will enable repeatability in your processes and consistency in your results by building an accountability system that tells you what was done the last time!

The right person is assigned the task and you track how long it took to resolve the problem, the number of tasks resolved, the impact of the decision, and so on. You can also use this as a way to measure performance within your team.

Metrics and required data points


  • We don’t need any personally identifiable information to work with Locale.
  • If you have any additional data points that you want to include in addition to those on the list above, please contact our sales team here.

Here’s a list of important metrics and KPIs that Logistics businesses can use to monitor their business. If there is any anomaly or fluctuation in these metrics, you can get easily notified with Locale.

If you are eager to know more, Book a call with one of our specialists to have all your questions answered today! is the new way to take the hassle out of Logistics operations. By giving users the power to create their own alerts, track anomalies, and build a system of accountability, Locale has a simple mission: to be the modern control tower for your business and make your teams proactive!

Originally published at on August 16, 2022.

