The First Goal of Locat

Is to be able to search your local stores for its products

Dennis Kurniawan
2 min readJan 19, 2019


Locat Marketplace

The first goal of Locat is to be able to search where everything is. for that, I will need lots of data. lots of user input. be it from stores owners/managers/API or shoppers.

I want to create social media for food bloggers. a place where people who love food can post photos of their favorite dishes.

Where people can earn money by posting their content, and be appreciated and thanked for their contribution.

where people can spend a lot of time creating quality content, like articles and videos. and be rewarded for it.

contributors can even talk to owners and post content about them online.

owners don't have to do much to have a good page. this is the goal. the goal is to create a community dedicated to posting relevant and up to date information about businesses and their products and services.

Tell your story on Locat

and get 20% off next time you visit

Yes, people can still post about their own businesses, but that is not the first goal.

I've discussed with my bro-in-law Matt and he finds that he would prefer something clear about what Locat is doing. rather than two different things & perspectives at once. where you can post your own business and post about other people’s businesses.

It does seem more possible when anyone can post about a business, and maybe even more credible when that is allowed to happen.

something akin to a security camera that only records the truth from an outsider’s perspective.



Dennis Kurniawan
Editor for

UX/UI, Product Designer & Spaghetti Eater. Follow my work at Check out my baby & Lifestyle Brand Cloudrising