Working with map objects

Jaromír Landa
Location-based services
2 min readOct 8, 2021

During the class, we did operations with objects in the map. We have created MarkerManager. A class to help us manage markers in the map. It has a HashMap, which holds all the markers in the map. It is useful to hold the references for later use, like removing them.

Part of the MarkerManager is also a method for creating a custom marker icon from a layout file.

Once you create a marker, you can add a tag to it. The tag is very useful for holding the information about what is the object that marker represents.

class MarkerManager {

private val markers: HashMap<Long, Marker> = hashMapOf()

fun addMarkerToMap(context: Activity,
map: GoogleMap, place: Place ) {
if (!markers.containsKey({
// the map of markers does not contain the marker with this id
val options = MarkerOptions()
options.position(LatLng(place.latitude, place.longitude))
val marker = map.addMarker(options)
marker.tag =
markers.put(!!, marker)

fun removeMarker(id:Long) {
if (markers.containsKey(id)){
val marker = markers.get(id)

private fun createCustomMarkerBitmap(context: Activity, id: Long): Bitmap {
val markerView = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.marker_layout, null)
val textView = markerView.findViewById<TextView>(
textView.text = id.toString()
val displayMetrics = DisplayMetrics()
markerView.measure(displayMetrics.widthPixels, displayMetrics.heightPixels)
markerView.layout(0, 0, displayMetrics.widthPixels, displayMetrics.heightPixels)
val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
val canvas = Canvas(bitmap)
return bitmap

Another part of working with map is controlling the map virtual camera. We have also created a class for it.

class MapManager {

fun zoomToLocation(location: LatLng, googleMap: GoogleMap){
CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(location, 7.0f))

fun zoomToAllPlaces(googleMap: GoogleMap, places: MutableList<Place>){
if (places.size > 0) {
val builder = LatLngBounds.Builder()
for (place in places) {
builder.include(LatLng(place.latitude, place.longitude))
CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(, 100)

The class has two methods. One is for zooming to a specified location. The zoom level is between 2 and 21.

The second method is for zooming to all places using the LatLngBounds class.

Honourable mentions during the class:

  • MaterialCardView — class for creating a card like design element. Very useful.
  • lateinit — a keyword in kotlin the specify, that we will initialize the class later in code.
  • ConstrainedLayout — very useful layout for holding other elements.
  • moveCamera — a method of google map to just move the camera.
  • animateCamera — a method of google map to animate the change of camera position. Looks better than move.

