2021: The Year of the Mobile Workforce

Everything about 2020 was strange. The way we worked, shopped, socialized, and learned was upended seemingly overnight. Most of us have since adapted (out of necessity). Tools like Zoom and Google have helped us work and learn from home. There is, however, a large subset of workers who don’t have the same luxury and were essential to keeping operations running while working outside of their homes. The workers who couldn’t effectively do their jobs over Zoom were also left to find their new normal, both in workflow and tools necessary to perform their jobs.

Most people were merely concerned about wearing masks in public this year, but essential workers, from retail clerks to nurses to engineers, grappled with health concerns on top of safely and effectively doing their jobs. While office workers were sheltered in place, building inspectors, meter readers, utility workers, and installation and repair technicians of all kinds had to soldier on to ensure everyone else had power, food, water, heating, and other services that we rely on every day.

One of the biggest takeaways of 2020 is that we should expect the unexpected; and when the unexpected occurs, technology can help us manage — even thrive — whether we’re at home or out in the field.

Essential jobs that reignite the workforce are not a new concept. The people who are building, inspecting, assessing, repairing, and farming today will be the ones who usher in the next wave of economic prosperity for all of us. They should be armed with technology that not only helps them work more efficiently, but removes administrative hassles from their jobs and, ultimately, makes their lives easier.

For the managers who are responsible for the success of the mobile teams that they manage, having visibility into their team’s performance, collecting data-driven insights in near real-time, and automation of reporting means more time making effective business decisions and less time managing every minute detail.

Fulcrum enables workers to efficiently conduct inspections, surveys, assessments, and more with their smartphone or tablet and instantly send reports to supervisors, customers, and other stakeholders. No need to go back to the office to transcribe data or create reports. Skilled technicians spend more time in the field doing the work they’re trained to do and doing it more efficiently and safely than before. Fulcrum’s mission is to modernize the mobile workforce, equipping organizations with a data-driven approach to process automation and performance optimization. Our customers rely on our no-code mobile data collection and workflow automation platform to ensure safety, quality, and compliance, protect their property and secure their assets, and build and maintain infrastructure while staying on-time and on-budget.

If you’re interested in seeing Fulcrum in action, request a demo or start a free trial and see how Fulcrum can benefit your mobile workforce immediately.

This post originally appeared on the Fulcrum blog.



Spatial Networks, Inc.
Fulcrum: Automating field inspection management

Developers of Fulcrum, a no-code SaaS platform that enables organizations to digitize mobile data collection, automate workflows, & act on data-driven insights.