Collecting Data in Response to COVID-19? We’re Here to Help.

In times of crisis, the ability to collect and share accurate, timely data is critical to protecting public health. People around the globe are working tirelessly to slow the spread of COVID-19, and Spatial Networks is committed to doing its part.

From tracking new coronavirus infections to documenting sanitization efforts to slow the spread of the disease, companies across all sectors have a need to collect and share information related to COVID-19.

But many organizations seeking to take measures to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 are constrained in their ability to accurately collect data in a mobile setting.

We want to help.

Our SaaS platform, Fulcrum, enables you to eliminate cumbersome, error-prone pen-and-paper data collection by quickly creating and deploying custom mobile apps for gathering, sharing, and analyzing information from the field.

If you’re part of an approved organization collecting data related to COVID-19, you can use Fulcrum at no cost for 90 days. Our team is standing by to help you get set up so your teams can start effectively using Fulcrum in the field in hours (or even minutes) to accelerate your response.

We’ve even pre-built three apps for common use cases:

COVID-19 PUI/Case Reporting: This form was developed by the CDC to prevent further spread of coronavirus and collect data to better understand the virus and its impact on public health, providing a standardized approach to reporting persons under investigation as well as presumptive cases of COVID-19 and those that have already been confirmed by the CDC.

COVID-19 Contact Tracing: When a patient tests positive for COVID-19, officials can track that person’s movement over the previous two weeks to identify anyone else who might have contracted the disease. This can help slow the spread of the coronavirus by identifying people who may be infected and encouraging them to take the proper precautions.

COVID-19 Cleaning Inspection: This form enables companies with continuing operations during the pandemic to demonstrate that appropriate sanitization measures are being consistently taken to minimize the transmission of COVID-19 and other pathogens. Use this form to remotely monitor and log records of cleaning and sanitization efforts.

These apps are available for download to use as-is or can be modified to meet your organization’s needs. We are prepared to assist with modifications to these applications or a new application for qualified customers with pressing COVID-19 response needs.

With Fulcrum, your mobile teams can collect data from anywhere (even without internet connectivity), streamline workflows, and communicate quickly and efficiently to maximize the effectiveness of your COVID-19 response.

Our user-friendly platform is intuitive and easy to learn with almost zero learning curve for data collectors, so new team members can pick it up quickly as you scale your operations.

Contact the Fulcrum team to get started.



Sam Puckett
Fulcrum: Automating field inspection management

Content Marketing Specialist at Spatial Networks. Will let you know if there’s a dog within 50 meters.