More is Waiting for You to Make a Move….

A year ago, I made a hard but necessary decision to make a move that would change my life exponentially. Not that my life was bad. In fact, I have had the pleasure of a very rewarding career, lived in great neighborhoods, well-traveled — all of the dream stuff folks normally desire. Yet, every day I woke up feeling like there’s more, and more was waiting on me to make a move. So I did. My girls and I packed up our house, I quit my job and we moved to St. Petersburg, FL.

Why St. Pete?

That’s a loaded question that people ask me every day. I could tell you it’s naturally one of the most beautiful places to live and that would be true. I could also say it’s small but connected to a larger thriving region that offers an array of housing, social, business, and culturally diverse experiences. All of that is true, but the more I grow here the more I’m reminded of the leap I took not knowing what the more would be like. That unknowing though is the most powerful ingredient of embracing more. It’s in that place that you understand that time will unveil the purpose — but trust there’s more.

My Girls…Christmas Eve 2018, St. Pete Beach


Upon my arrival, I was filled with feelings of euphoria and fear, yet a voice inside kept telling me, no worries — this is home. The naturescape organically healed my fears and before I knew it the process of settling down just happened. My first six months I spent working political campaigns which exposed me to Tampa Bay’s amazing neighborhoods. Those first steps were powerful eye-openers into the people, politics, and culture of a region rich in diversity and economically growing at rapid speed.

The Moment of Magic

About nine months into my new city experience it was time to deliver the pregnancy of promise into full fruition. That moment of magic happened when I met Spatial Networks. I instantly fell in love. Yes, it’s my job I’m talking about. I had been contemplating my next career move and the one thing that wouldn’t change is my love for community. That meant, whatever role I took, it had to involve the opportunity to continue serving.

Annual Sanding Ovation Master’s Cup Competition, Treasure Island Beach

I applied for the Community Advocate position not knowing what to expect given Spatial Networks is a geospatial technology company that delivers a really cool data collection platform for every industry imaginable. That was beyond impressive, but also scary given my user-level technical experience. That fear somehow magically flew right out the door when the more moment showed up. It was explained that they needed someone to guide their philanthropic mission of providing access (at no-cost) to their Fulcrum platform to assist disaster response volunteers and humanitarian aid organizations worldwide. What!!! That was the magical more I had been waiting on.

The opportunity to serve globally definitely was my more. That moment of magic allowed me to understand more had always been waiting for me to make a move. No, I have never worked in the geospatial industry and no, I don’t have the tech wisdom my peers possess, but I wanted more. My more also came with a team of brilliant, patient and supportive technological geniuses that have prepared me and literally walked me through what I needed to succeed. They are definitely more than what I expected and the reason why I know more also comes with everything you need to win. The stage is as big as you see it. If you embrace more, more will manifest in ways unimaginable — that’s a promise!

Learn more about Fulcrum and our Fulcrum Community mission. #FulcrumReady

