What we learned in 2020: Maps save lives

Between the election and the pandemic, every American is probably well versed in US geography. We’ve spent most of the year pouring over data that has analyzed where the virus is the most deadly, which states submitted their election results, and now, where the coronavirus vaccine is being deployed.

Having insight into location-based data has helped people around the globe have compassion and understanding toward their fellow citizens, even though they may be on different sides of the country — or the world. But during a time when there isn’t a global pandemic or presidential election monopolizing our news cycles, can we all still benefit from location-based data and analysis?

In short, yes. Maps and accurate location data save lives.

Hopefully, you won’t find yourself in this situation anytime soon, but imagine being in an ambulance. You’ll probably take for granted that the driver of said ambulance knows the easiest, quickest way from your home to the nearest hospital. In some cases, having accurate location data can mean the difference between life and death.

Organizations like the American Red Cross and UNICEF wouldn’t exist without accurate geographical information that helps inform where they can make the biggest impact on the neediest communities. Doctors Without Borders relied heavily on geographical data during the ebola and coronavirus outbreaks to ensure that even the most remote communities had access to healthcare, as well as ensuring that the viruses didn’t spread even further.

Location-based data has enabled entire industries like agriculture, engineering, and construction to be transformed, delivering their products and services with more quality and efficiency than could have previously been imagined. And every day, the providers of services that keep our homes and offices humming depend on location-based data to keep the lights on and the water running.

It’s safe to say that most of us take maps for granted. We assume that the people who need to get from point A to point B just know what they’re doing and where they’re going. But the responsibility to get the right tools into the right hands to ensure lives are saved means that tools like Fulcrum are imperative to keeping safety and health standards top of mind. Technology helps reduce human error when used correctly and that means lives, time, and money are saved. Using Fulcrum’s no-code platform, your organization can digitize paper checklists in minutes and deploy them to crews in the field who can complete them with their mobile devices. Managers can watch in real-time as inspections, deliveries, or repairs are completed (including where they’re being completed) via the web-based dashboard.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Fulcrum can empower your organization with location-based insights, request a demo today.

This post originally appeared on the Fulcrum blog.



Spatial Networks, Inc.
Fulcrum: Automating field inspection management

Developers of Fulcrum, a no-code SaaS platform that enables organizations to digitize mobile data collection, automate workflows, & act on data-driven insights.