Offline-Online Re-targeting, Proximity Advertising & Analytics

Location, Proximity, engagement
1 min readFeb 18, 2017

Proximity Advertising Networks, Data Monetization and Retargeting were the
proximity services with the highest growth through 2016.

(Prox report Q4 2016)
The report indicates that Re-targeting, attribution & Data monetization will play a dominant role in the future of the Proximity Marketing industry. These services have grown by 14–15% each in comparison with Q3 2016, which is significant. It is also interesting to note that services like Indoor Navigation & Mobile Payment have fallen slightly.

The support of Eddystone has increased by 17% since Q4 2015, compared to iBeacon,


The numbers suggest that the popularity of iBeacon is decreasing while Eddystone (and in turn Physical Web) is becoming more prominent.

The more important trend is that the usage of Beacons is changing from a “Push Notification” based alert system to a system used for Re-targeting (Offline to Online or Offline to Offline) & Analytics leading to better value generation for both the Business & the Consumer. This leads to better consumer experience and a less intrusive offline experience at the physical location.

