“Revolutionizing Asset Trading: The Potential of Blockchain Technology for Tokenization of Real-World Assets”

Yash Palod
Loch Research
Published in
7 min readApr 7, 2023


Tokenization of real-world assets on blockchain technology is a promising solution that is set to revolutionize the way assets are traded. With traditional methods of asset trading riddled with inefficiencies, high fees, middlemen, and centralization, blockchain technology provides a decentralized, transparent, and efficient method of asset trading. This article delves into the different types of asset classes, the current flaws with the way assets are traded, and how blockchain technology can solve these problems.

Asset Classes


Equities represent ownership in a company, and they are among the most common types of financial assets. They represent a fractional ownership in the company, and shareholders are entitled to a portion of the company’s profits. Equities are traded on stock exchanges, and ownership is recorded in a central ledger maintained by the exchange.


Bonds are debt securities issued by governments, corporations, or other entities. When an investor purchases a bond, they are essentially lending money to the issuer in exchange for a regular stream of income in the form of interest payments. The issuer agrees to pay back the principal amount when the bond matures. Bonds are traded on exchanges or over the counter, and ownership is recorded in a central ledger maintained by the exchange or the issuer.

Private Equity

Private equity refers to equity investments made in private companies that are not traded on public stock exchanges. Private equity firms invest in companies with the aim of increasing their value and then selling them for a profit. Private equity investments are typically made by institutional investors, such as pension funds and endowments, and high net worth individuals.

Real Estate

Real estate refers to property consisting of land and buildings. Real estate can be owned outright or through a mortgage, and it can be leased or rented out for income. Real estate can be traded on exchanges, but it is mostly traded privately. The ownership of real estate is recorded in a central ledger maintained by government authorities.


Commodities are basic goods that are typically used in commerce, such as gold, oil, and agricultural products. Commodities are traded on exchanges, and ownership is recorded in a central ledger maintained by the exchange.

Alternative Assets

Alternative assets refer to any assets that do not fall under the traditional asset classes, such as hedge funds, cryptocurrencies, and art. Alternative assets are typically traded privately, and ownership is recorded in a central ledger maintained by the issuer or exchange.

Flaws with Traditional Asset Trading

The traditional methods of asset trading are riddled with inefficiencies, high fees, middlemen, and centralization. These flaws have created barriers to entry for many investors, particularly those who do not have large amounts of capital to invest.

One of the main problems with traditional asset trading is the presence of intermediaries. Intermediaries such as brokers, custodians, and clearinghouses add additional costs to the trading process, which are ultimately borne by investors. These costs can be significant, particularly for smaller investors, and they can eat into investment returns.

Another problem with traditional asset trading is illiquidity. Illiquid assets such as private equity and real estate can be difficult to buy and sell, particularly for smaller investors. This illiquidity can result in a lack of price transparency and a lack of access to investment opportunities.

Centralization is another problem with traditional asset trading. The ownership of assets is typically recorded in a central ledger maintained by a government authority or exchange. This centralization can result in a lack of transparency and a lack of control for investors.

How Blockchain Technology Can Solve These Problems

Blockchain technology has the potential to solve many of the problems associated with traditional asset trading.

One of the main benefits of blockchain technology is its ability to eliminate intermediaries. By using blockchain technology, investors can trade assetsdirectly with each other without the need for intermediaries such as brokers, custodians, and clearinghouses. This can reduce trading costs and increase liquidity, making it easier for investors to buy and sell assets.

Another benefit of blockchain technology is increased transparency. With blockchain, ownership of assets is recorded on a decentralized ledger, providing a transparent and immutable record of ownership. This can reduce the risk of fraud and increase investor trust.

Blockchain technology can also increase efficiency by automating many of the processes involved in asset trading. Smart contracts, for example, can be used to automatically execute trades based on predefined conditions. This can reduce the need for manual intervention and reduce the risk of errors.

In addition to these benefits, blockchain technology can also increase access to investment opportunities. By tokenizing assets on the blockchain, fractional ownership can be easily traded, making it possible for smaller investors to invest in assets that were previously inaccessible.

Overall, blockchain technology has the potential to solve many of the problems associated with traditional asset trading by increasing transparency, reducing fees, eliminating intermediaries, and increasing access to investment opportunities. While adoption is still in its early stages, the potential benefits are significant, and we can expect to see more real-world assets being tokenized on the blockchain in the future.


Blockchain technology can revolutionize the way equities are traded by eliminating intermediaries and reducing fees. With tokenized equities on a blockchain, shareholders can trade their shares directly with each other, without the need for brokers or clearinghouses. This would reduce trading costs and increase liquidity. Blockchain technology can also increase transparency by providing real-time information about the ownership of shares and the company’s financial performance.


Blockchain technology can also revolutionize the way bonds are traded by reducing intermediaries, increasing liquidity, and increasing transparency. With tokenized bonds on a blockchain, investors can trade bonds directly with each other, without the need for brokers or clearinghouses. This would reduce trading costs and increase liquidity. Blockchain technology can also increase transparency by providing real-time information about the ownership of bonds, the issuer’s financial performance, and the payment of interest and principal.

Private Equity

Blockchain technology can also revolutionize the way private equity is traded by increasing access to investment opportunities, reducing fees, and increasing transparency. With tokenized private equity on a blockchain, investors can invest in private companies directly, without the need for a private equity firm. This would increase access to investment opportunities and reduce fees. Blockchain technology can also increase transparency by providing real-time information about the ownership of private equity and the performance of the underlying companies.

Real Estate

Blockchain technology can revolutionize the way real estate is traded by increasing liquidity, reducing fees, and increasing transparency. With tokenized real estate on a blockchain, investors can buy and sell fractional ownership of properties directly, without the need for brokers or clearinghouses. This would increase liquidity and reduce trading costs. Blockchain technology can also increase transparency by providing real-time information about the ownership of properties and the performance of the underlying real estate assets.


Blockchain technology can also revolutionize the way commodities are traded by increasing transparency, reducing fraud, and reducing transaction costs. With tokenized commodities on a blockchain, investors can trade commodities directly, without the need for brokers or clearinghouses. This would increase transparency and reduce the risk of fraud. Blockchain technology can also reduce transaction costs by eliminating intermediaries and increasing efficiency.

Alternative Assets

Blockchain technology can also revolutionize the way alternative assets are traded by increasing access to investment opportunities, reducing fees, and increasing transparency. With tokenized alternative assets on a blockchain, investors can invest in alternative assets directly, without the need for specialized investment vehicles. This would increase access to investment opportunities and reduce fees. Blockchain technology can also increase transparency by providing real-time information about the ownership of alternative assets and the performance of the underlying assets.

Adoption in the Real World Asset Tokenisation Space

The adoption of blockchain technology for real-world asset tokenization is still in its early stages. However, there are already some notable examples of successful projects. For example, the real estate industry has seen the emergence of platforms such as RealT and Propy, which allow investors to buy and sell fractional ownership of properties using blockchain technology. In the commodities industry, platforms such as Vakt and Komgo are using blockchain technology to streamline trading and reduce fraud.

In the private equity space, blockchain technology is being used to create new investment opportunities. For example, the platform Securitize has launched a security token offering (STO) platform that allows companies to raise funds by selling fractional ownership of their equity.

In the equities and bond space, traditional exchanges such as the Swiss Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange are exploring the use of blockchain technology to increase efficiency and reduce costs.

Future of Tokenisation of Real-World Assets

The future of tokenization of real-world assets is promising. With the potential to eliminate intermediaries, increase transparency, and reduce fees, blockchain technology is expected to disrupt the traditional asset trading industry. As the adoption of blockchain technology continues to grow, we can expect to see more real-world assets being tokenized on the blockchain.

However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed before widespread adoption can occur. One of the main challenges is regulatory uncertainty. Many countries have yet to establish clear regulatory frameworks for the tokenization of assets on the blockchain. Without clear regulations, investors may be hesitant to invest in tokenized assets, and issuers may be hesitant to issue them.

Another challenge is the need for interoperability between different blockchain platforms. Currently, there are many different blockchain platforms, and they are not all compatible with each other. This can create barriers to entry for investors and issuers, as they may need to use different platforms for different assets.

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of tokenization of real-world assets on blockchain technology are significant. By increasing transparency, reducing fees, and eliminating intermediaries, blockchain technology can democratize access to investment opportunities and help to create a more efficient and equitable financial system.


In conclusion, the tokenization of real-world assets on blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the way assets are traded. By eliminating intermediaries, increasing transparency, and reducing fees, blockchain technology can create a more efficient and equitable financial system. While adoption is still in its early stages, we can expect to see more real-world assets being tokenized on the blockchain in the future. However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed, such as regulatory uncertainty and interoperability between different blockchain platforms. Nonetheless, the potential benefits are significant, and the future of tokenization of real-world assets on blockchain technology is promising.

