Launching the LOCI Ambassador Program

LOCI Nexus
LOCI Nexus
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2018

LOCI Nexus is looking for Ambassadors to help build awareness of the LOCI Platform and build a global IP ecosystem!

Apply as an Ambassador!


A strong and dynamic community including entrepreneurs, inventors, students, researchers, IP professionals, and crypto enthusiasts is crucial for LOCI to reach its potential. As such, the LOCI Ambassadors will be encouraged to bring awareness to LOCI’s mission and platform, and grow the community through outreach and education.

Program Details:

The LOCI Nexus team will provide the LOCI Ambassadors with crucial information and marketing collateral. Ambassadors can learn more about LOCI and its technology to enable them to help educate others. The LOCI Nexus team will also provide some direct access to the team periodically for updates and to hear feedback from the community. However, the program is designed so that the Ambassadors are completely autonomous and will not be directed by the LOCI Nexus team. The program is open enrollment, however, only a select number of candidates will be considered and chosen at launch.

LOCIcoin Token Award:

  • LOCI Nexus is allocating up to 1 million LOCIcoin tokens for the LOCI Ambassador Program pool
  • Ambassadors will be gifted LOCIcoin tokens that will be vested over six months after they are accepted to the program
  • The total number of tokens will depend on various factors including how much is left in the pool and market conditions
  • Ambassadors who apply and are accepted by September 14, 2018, will receive a guaranteed 10,000 LOCIcoin tokens

LOCI Ambassador Perks:

  • LOCI swag giveaways (i.e. t-shirts, stickers, etc.)
  • Updates and periodic communication direct with the LOCI Nexus team

LOCI Super Ambassadors:

LOCI Nexus and its community can elect Ambassadors who make outstanding contributions to grow the community to ‘Super Ambassador’ status. These Super Ambassadors can be awarded the following additional perks:

  • More LOCIcoin tokens
  • Moderator status on the LOCI Nexus Telegram channel
  • Giveaways/event passes to major conferences

Who We Are Looking For:

First and foremost, LOCI Ambassadors will be passionate about LOCI’s mission and how its blockchain-enabled platform will revolutionize the current expensive, convoluted, and risky intellectual property process. Although all types of applicants will be considered, generally those who are interested in becoming a LOCI Ambassador will probably fall in one or more of the following categories:

  1. Crypto Enthusiast/Online Influencer

We are looking for community leaders, influencers, and content creators who can help other communities (and their own) learn more about LOCI and our platform. Some ideas these Ambassadors can initiate to raise awareness are:

  1. Mentions on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook groups
  2. Original video content such as Youtube reviews
  3. Blog posts
  4. Infographics
  5. Outreach to other Telegram or Discord groups
  6. University Students

Universities are an ideal place to raise awareness of LOCI and its innovation platform due to the increasing need for research and innovation. Some ideas the university LOCI Ambassadors can initiate to raise awareness are:

  • Introduce the LOCI platform, including our FREE flagship product, LOCI Search, to students, professors, and administrators through workshops
  • Seek opportunities to collaborate with student organizations such as entrepreneurship and STEM clubs
  • Facilitate participation in hackathons through a formal LOCI sponsorship, endorsement, or grant. If there is an existing hackathon at the University, Ambassadors should relay the necessary details to LOCI Nexus for potential funding/sponsorship
  1. Regional (Local/City)

Regional Ambassadors would establish a presence (or if you already have a presence in the blockchain/cryptocurrency/ academic space that’s a plus), by organizing meetups and aim to attend other blockchain/crypto meetups. Some ideas the regional LOCI Ambassador can initiate to raise awareness include:

  • Establish a LOCI Ambassador Chapter within the local area (i.e. New York LOCI Chapter)
  • Network at local blockchain, entrepreneurship, or intellectual property events
  1. Intellectual Property (IP) Professional/Researcher

The LOCI Platform offers a powerful and innovative way for IP to be researched, analyzed, created, and exchanged. Thus, IP professionals who believe in the utility of LOCI’s blockchain integration and proprietary analysis methods would be strong LOCI Ambassadors. Some ideas the IP LOCI Ambassador can initiate to raise awareness would include:

  • Network at industry events
  • Write blogs or opinions on IP related social groups
  • Introduce LOCI to IP law firms

Want to join? Apply Here.

We are extremely excited about the prospects of this program to bring awareness of LOCI’s mission in changing the way the world invents!

