Bid Goodbye to Mobile Addiction

Melissa Pinto
Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2018

I know a lot of parents who provide a mobile phone for security purposes as they travel for tuitions and other extra-curricular activities. It sure is sound decisions but have you, as a student, thought about the harmful effects of mobile phones? While it may be very useful tool for today, Read below if you say no.

Teen Tendonitis (TTT)

This is a condition where excessive texting on the device can cause pain in the hands, back, and neck leading to poor posture. Vision can deteriorate with a high risk of arthritis in the future.


Lack of productivity with excessive mobile/device usage can cause stress. Fatigue is another factor suffered by such teens. There is also a high risk of depression and anxiety in them.


A higher case of insomnia is found in teens. Main reason being: sleeping with the phone. You anticipate a message or a post, there is that inbuilt anxiety not to miss out. Although you may or may not receive any calls late at night, you choose to keep the phone beside you which causes sleep interruption and disruption.


How many times have you picked up a call or replied to a text while driving? I bet you cannot say none! Talking and driving might seem cool amongst your group of friends or might seem like you can multi-task however, it is not only dangerous to be distracted on the road, you also naturally tend to put others lives at risk.

Potential cause of Cancer

Due to constant electromagnetic radiation emitted by phones, it gets absorbed by the tissues when we hold our devices for long. As our nerves are still young and developing, it can cause more damage than to older adults. Well, after all our mums and teachers weren’t so wrong!

Cyber Bullying

Did you know about 1/3rd of teens are a victim of cyber bullying? Are you one of them?

While mobiles and electronic hand-devices may be our method of entertainment, we must ensure we do not get addicted to it. Remember how back in school our friends always said, “Don’t be a bookworm”? It is because you were addicted to books and didn’t know how to have fun otherwise. Enjoy the luxury of life and go out and spend some time under the sun. Avoid going out between 12 noon to 3pm or else you might blame me for the tan lines!



Melissa Pinto

Alive to change the world with words of wonder and beauty