What is Lock&Advertise

Hit the Bullseye with Lock&Advertise

3 min readMay 22, 2018


Don Draper is the fun loving, chain smoking, whiskey drinking face of the iconic ABC show Mad Men. Mad Men, set in the fast-paced capital of the advertising world, New York City, lays claim to being the truest rendition of a marketer’s life on the silver screen. If you work within that beautiful intersection of business, science, and creativity, then you’ve probably seen Mad Men. For those of you who haven’t, free up your Friday nights and get streaming.

In one of the greatest on-screen quips of all time, while gently tapping his cigarette into a hand woven wooden ashtray, Draper says, in response to his colleague’s overt aversion to their latest campaign strategy for a high paying client,

“tell them, if they don’t like what’s being said, to change the go##amn conversation.”

In that one line, Draper summed up the first commandment of the marketing world. One size fits all, and if the all don’t bite, make a new size.

This commandment held true for nearly four centuries, from 1605, the birth year of the newspaper, to 2000, when Google Adwords was born. While infant forms of internet advertising existed prior to the birth of Google’s jewel product, Adwords changed marketing philosophy forever. For the first time in history, an emphasis was firmly placed on breaking the mass market into tiny groups, and then building tailored campaigns for each little segment.

Google changed advertising. In its wake, titans such as Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat were born. Okay, maybe not Snapchat, but you get the point.

While we obviously cannot compete on a pound for pound basis, we have designed a product that promises to significantly enhance your social media advertising strategies. Through Lock&Offers (which is our free to use platform that connects the UAE’s students with UAE based brands), we have built comprehensive millennial profiles categorizing user demographics, customer behavior, consumer preferences, and all that sweet stuff. We put all this information into our powerful data analytics tool, called Lock&Advertise.

With Lock&Advertise, we can aid you in the building of custom lists for your Facebook and Instagram ads, therefore ensuring your ads are only seen by those who are most likely to interact with them.

First our marketing team will speak to you to gain a better understanding of your business, industry segment, and target audience. After this, they will communicate this information to our data analytics ninjas, who will compile a list of the hundred most likely customers for your brand. Your ads will then be targeted solely against those one hundred, and the 1% of UAE social media users most similar to them.

Advertising wise, Google and Facebook put a sniper rifle in your hands. We’re just helping with the aim.




Lock&Stock is an app that rewards students for attending and not using their phones in class. Simply visit your campus, open our app and lock your phone.