BCCI plans India — Sri Lanka series, says even Corona virus will find it too boring to affect

Ashwin S Kumar
Lockdown 2 LOLdown!
2 min readApr 22, 2020


Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Sourav_Ganguly_closeup-2.jpg

Throwing caution to the wind, the BCCI has announced that it is mulling an India-Sri Lanka series at home in the weeks to come. The announcement was made at a press conference organized by BCCI president Sourav Ganguly.

“If you look at it closely, India-Sri Lanka matches are bound to be so jaded, that even the Coronavirus won’t feel like coming anywhere near the ground. But with the country riding high on the retelecast of Ramayan by Doordarshan, the BCCI at least, is a little excited this time. In fact, WV Raman and VVS Laxman are greatly looking forward to commentating for the series!” Ganguly smiled.

Ganguly said that along with the commentators, bowling coach Bharat Arun and Congress leader Shatrugan Sinha too, are looking forward to the series. The Congress leader and actor, however, refused to comment when The UnReal Times contacted him. “KHAMOSH!” he thundered, before slamming the phone down.

The Modi government, however, has strongly opposed the idea and has vowed to resort to stringent measures if the team goes ahead with their plan. “All of them who are planning this series will be severely dealt with if they proceed with their plans, I assure you about that. I hereby warn them not to cross the line,” expressed an angry union minister Rao Inderjit Singh, to The UnReal Times sports correspondent Rajeev Tikla. The minister added that he had discussed this with the Sri Lankan government too, and that they agreed completely with his views.

The move also drew criticism all the way from the UK, with economist Lord Meghnad Desai agreeing with the minister and calling it a foolish idea. All plans, however, suddenly seemed to come to a halt, when an official seated near Ganguly felt like sneezing. A visibly terrified Ganguly was seen running for safety, before taking his shirt off, rotating it in the air and hurling it far away.



Ashwin S Kumar
Lockdown 2 LOLdown!

Former humour contributor @asianetnewstv — @MyNation & @theunrealtimes ; Novice Musician ( @JHarrisjayaraj bhakt)+mimic; Views personal+varying; RT!=endorse