A Feather From A Sacred Ibis

As an animal totem the ibis denotes a graceful and well balanced individual


Feather from an Australian White Ibis. Picture provided by Celine Lai

Do birds of a feather flock together?

If they do, my beautiful local Ibis found me, a companion that loves birds, respects all animals and is always trying to bring balance to things!

As I went for a walk last week, my eyes lit upon this complete feather lying on the right-hand side of my trails. 😃 🐦 🐦

I have had it identified and discovered that in ancient Egypt the Ibis has been declared as sacred.

It is related with the God, Thoth, in Greek lore.

The Ibis is a symbol of communication, probing, transition and trust.

When this creature presents itself to you it probably wants to tell you that you are in a harmonious relationship with your surroundings.

The Ibis teaches us to create a smooth flow of communication to create an appropriate working condition.

An ibis always works well in a group, a popular trait that the Ibis is willing to share. Everything can be done accordingly and efficiently when there is a pleasant ambience in a group.

Traditionally, this animal totem shows when group work is needed.

I have seen this majestic bird strolling around our local shops, and felt a tingle whenever I have seen it, and I have felt a bond..that has now been reinforced!

Call on the Ibis if you are having a tough time and you want to change it for the better.

AuntyFlo’s excellent website…..here …..says:

The ibis is teaching one to trust one’s inner instinct. An ibis can show you perfect timing and when to carry out task’s.

Sometimes a perfect timing is all we need in order to pass life with flying colors! The Ibis is a master on the art of perfect timing.

The Ibis shows as an animal spirit when…

  • You want to find the answers on question lingering your mind.
  • You need the cooperation of the group.
  • You are having a series of bad luck.
  • You need a guide on a decision.
  • Executing your plans.

Call on Ibis as an animal spirit when…

  • You want to search for the truth.
  • You want to build a bond within a group.
  • You want to ward off bad luck.
  • You need to decide on something.
  • You want to learn the art of perfect timing.

This is truly amazing and I am deeply grateful, because the time has come indeed for me to “spring into action” on all fronts — -with paid mainstream work and most of all with my activism.

I have many guides and guardians, and the post below on my blog “Fascinating Animals” talks about finding your Animal Guides, and links to another article that describes some of my animal guides.

And now…..ta dah !! The Ibis has passed my way and gifted me with an awesome beautiful Feather, and a black-and-white message that I must trust myself, and that I will be guided on how to communicate and network to achieve what I want.

Thank You Sacred Ibis, safe-keeper of Scribes! And now I’m off….to do some research and writing.

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Grace Mary Power
Lockdown Peaceful Space - Live, Love, Learn

Editor of Thirty over Fifty. I help you to care for yourself through spirituality and tech. We need both.