Ask Yourself These Five Questions to Transform Your Life

Five incredible questions that have the power to change your life.

Sandra D
Lockdown Peaceful Space - Live, Love, Learn


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

It’s been said that the quality of our lives is in direct proportion to the quality of the questions we ask ourselves.

This isn’t to mean questions like What should I have for dinner? Should I attend this event? Should I get vaccinated? Should I have low-fat yogurt?

Dont get me wrong — these are valid questions and need to be asked including the latter about yogurt!

But what Im talking about here are five incredibly deep questions that go beyond philosophy and really get to the core of who you are.

I have nothing against philosophy but often if you know my writing and personality by now you’ll see that I am all about being practical & actionable.

Often philosophy for all its beauty and depth isn’t very practical or actionable for one’s life. Sorry to offend you if you are into philosophy.

I like things that move the needle in my needle — they give me tangible results that improve me in some way or another.

The following five questions do this for me and I know can do the same for you. I ask them now on a regular basis and encourage you to do the same.



Sandra D
Lockdown Peaceful Space - Live, Love, Learn

I’m Sandra, from Australia. I'm on a mission to wake you up & unleash your potential to create a Better You. Come read my work and get inspired.