How To Create A Medium Publication-Part Three

Questions and Answers about creating or starting a Medium Publication or How to start a Medium Publication


My second Medium Publication “Curation Matters”. Picture by Celine Lai

This is the third and last in the series about starting or setting up your own Medium Publication.

Part One looked at what a Medium Publication is and whether you should run one or not, and how to create the information elements of a Medium Publication and a Publication Avatar.

It also looked at the use of adding Tags to your Publication description and adding links to Social Media sites.

It looked at the roles of Editors and Writers, including co-editors and complimentary editors; and how to add and remove these.

Part Two looked at whether you would like to have a Publication Logo for your Medium Publication, how to add a Background Image to the top of your Publication, and at the option of having different Sections for your Publication.

It also covered different Layouts ( Grid / Stream / List / Mixed ) and different types (or sections) of Stories that are in your Publication (e.g. tagged or featured stories or Promos).

This part will look at setting up Pages (or navigation to pages), newsletters, statistics, and promoting your Medium…



Grace Mary Power
Lockdown Peaceful Space - Live, Love, Learn

Editor of Thirty over Fifty. I help you to care for yourself through spirituality and tech. We need both.