Alpha Platform Update 26th January 2018 (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2018

As part of our weekly tech “sprints” agenda, where we regularly add features and improve our alpha accommodation marketplace, we are happy to say that the alpha marketplace has the following new features:

  • Filters have been trimmed down to “City”, “Price” and “Property Type”. You now have an “Apply Filters” button to narrow the results. During next week we will be removing that button and will be automatically showing the results based on a timer after clicking on filters.
  • City filtering support has been added — This is as part of our transition from a country (broad search) to a city specific search. Our end goal is to move completely to a city based search with autocomplete functionality. This will be made by end of February.
  • Partial listing support — Now you can partially add your property and you don’t have to worry if you have not completed the whole process. You can come back later and finish it. This was an essential feature for hosts as we want to improve their experience.
  • Admin review on newly listed properties — you actually won’t be able to see this in your dashboard, but keep in mind that we have now admins checking the newly added properties before being displayed live on the marketplace. We want to make sure our inventory is of high quality and will be issuing a general guideline for property listing this week.
  • Photos support increased to 20
  • Max bedrooms up to 10 now
  • A lot of bugs have been fixed and performance improvements

We have also made great progress with the design work for our iOS app. You can check out the designs by clicking on this link :

What is to follow?

Our 29th Jan — 2nd Feb Sprint will be completely dedicated towards bug fixing based on the feedback that we have gathered over the last 10 days. After we complete it, the next sprint that will follow after that is critical Google API GEO Locations integration (to be able to choose a city or an alias of a city and to always end up searching or adding properties to the right GEO location).

The smarter GEO location recognition feature is also a preparation for the Hotels integration. that is scheduled for the sprints that will follow immediately after that.

Another critical improvement which we are making is in the performance/page speed times. We want to optimize speed loading time for searches to less than a second regardless of the number of properties.

Stay tuned as we will continue our regular tech updates and thank you for your amazing support.


-- (LOC Token) Official Blog

Blockchain & fiat powered marketplace.Hoteliers & landlords list/rent property & manage bookings,& pay no commission. Retweets R not endorsements.