Hydra Launches Mobile Wallet App with Instant-Swap Functionality & Biometrics Support

LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
5 min readNov 15, 2021

We are excited to launch the Hydra Mobile App today, further expanding the options available to our community!

Why is this a big deal?

Building a user-friendly, secured, and feature-rich wallet is a very serious project. It relies on multiple infrastructure components and acts as a unique gateway for all users that are part of the same ecosystem. The Hydra wallet is packed with a long list of cool features, and also supports encryption through biometrics that makes it on par even with the top wallets in the industry (most of which operate as standalone businesses). This launch also marks an important milestone in the Hydra ecosystem, where a user-friendly, mobile Hydra experience becomes a reality.

What is the Hydra Mobile App?

The Hydra mobile wallet allows you to store and manage multiple addresses from within the app, while being on the move.

In the screenshot below you will see an example with three wallets, all labeled for different purposes. Thanks to this feature, you can easily manage your family holdings from a single wallet, if you prefer to do so. Or simply separate the trading funds from the HODL funds — up to you!

You can easily create new addresses from inside the wallet, or import existing addresses you own already. In the screenshot to the right you will notice the two options “Seed Phrase” and “Private Key” for importing.

➡ Send & Receive Assets

Once your wallet is set up, you can start using it. Send out HYDRA or Hydra-based tokens or request someone else to send you funds, by sharing your wallet address or QR code.

The LOC token is integrated into the wallet by default. If you want to see other tokens, you can easily add them by clicking on the “Add Token” button and entering the contract address of the token.

This will immidiately display your token balance and make it possible for you to use it the same way as LOC and HYDRA. In order to receive tokens, you don’t need to add it in advance.

🏃 Swap on the Go!

Perhaps the greatest feature of the mobile app is that you can use it to directly interact with the Hydra DEX without leaving the app.

Or in short: You can swap assets in a few clicks!

Until now the only option to swap assets was to install the browser-based extension, which is limited to desktop browsers and thus made the Hydra DEX inaccessible to certain user groups.

With the integration of this functionality into the mobile wallet, everyone gains access to this vital infrastructure. More importantly, you can now trade anywhere and anytime — as long as you have access to the internet. The entire process was designed for maximum user-friendliness and minimum friction.

How does it work?

Simply select one of your wallet addresses inside the app and click on the “swap” button. The app will immediately open the DEX interface and connect your wallet as a background process, without you even noticing.

Now all you need to do is to select the assets you want to swap and confirm. Since you are logged into your wallet already, you won’t need to enter any passwords. This makes swaps incredibly user friendly and friction-less.

In the screenshots below you will see the interface processes after submitting the swap.

Submit Swap (left) | Wait for on-chain processing (middle) | Get confirmation when complete (right)
  1. First it shows you that the swap transaction was successfully submitted to the chain, with the corresponding transaction ID (left screen)
  2. Then it will show your transaction as pending at the bottom left, until a staker confirms it as part of a mined block (middle screen)
  3. Once confirmed, the swap summary will show up at the top of your screen (right screen)

The entire process form logging into your wallet until executing the trade takes less than 30 seconds. You don’t believe it? We shot a video for you!

Please note that the actual processing on-chain takes on average 1 minute. This can not be influenced by the wallet. In some cases your transaction may get processed in few seconds, while in others it may take a few minutes. You can track the progress by the transaction link on the explorer.

With the planned block time reduction from 128 seconds to 32 seconds, the average confirmation time will drop from 64 seconds to 16 seconds! Check out our latest monthly ecosystem update to read more about that milestone:

We hope that you enjoy the new app and can’t wait hear your feedback about it!

You can now download the mobile app through the links below:

🔶 Google Play Store

🔶 Apple App Store

👉 Join the Hydra Community

HYDRA is a proof-of-stake blockchain optimized for real-world businesses. It tackles some of the most profound and challenging issues with existing blockchain economies and introduces a truly shared economy with fair treatment to all network participants. Some of the more notable features:

🔥 100% Burn of all Transaction Fees

💎 50% Royalty on Gas for Smart Contract Creators → More Info

📌 Fixed Coin Transaction Fees of $0.20 → More Info

📌 Fixed Token Transaction Fees of $0.50 → More Info

💰 20% Minimum APR Staking Income → Staking Calculator

📈 Up to 540 TPS Elastic Capacity

🔏 EVM Compatible Smart Contract Platform

⚙️ Wallet-Level Scalability → More Info

🗳 Unique Decentralized Governance Protocol



LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog

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