Join the Whitelist for the HYDRA Distribution Event! (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
5 min readMar 8, 2021

Summary of Key Information

  • You can now whitelist your wallet by going through the KYC procedure. Your data will be processed within 48 hours after submission
  • Exchanges are excluded from the distribution. Only one private wallet can be whitelisted per person
  • Whitelisted wallets will receive weekly HYDRA amounting to 1.3% of the LOC held in the wallet (a new snapshot will be taken each week) Example: 1,000 LOC in your wallet will give you 13 HYDRA per week
  • The HYDRA you receive are in addition to your LOC. You will end up with 2 separate assets
  • The distribution will last for 50 weeks
  • The first distribution will be around April 1st. We will communicate the exact block number of the snapshot a few days in advance.
  • To maintain eligibility, a certain percentage of received HYDRA need to be kept inside the wallet (more info)
  • Residents or citizens of the following countries are excluded from the distribution, due to regulatory uncertainty: USA, North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, The Bahamas, Barbados, Botswana, Cambodia, Ghana, Iraq, Jamaica, Mauritius, Mongolia, Burma, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Vanuatu, Yemen, Zimbabwe
  • All unclaimed HYDRA will be burnt and there will be weekly updates on the burnt and claimed amounts
  • Your KYC status as well as your weekly distribution information can be tracked from the sheet below:

Whitelisting Your Wallet

To participate in the distribution event, you need to whitelist your Hydra wallet as part of the KYC/AML procedure. This way we can ensure that all legal and regulatory requirements are fulfilled.

All you need for the procedure is a valid identification mean, which can be your Passport or Identity Card. Once you read through all information, fill the form and agree to the terms and conditions, we will review your submission and process it within 48 hours.

You can follow the progress from the tracking sheet, which will list your Hydra wallet within 5–10 minutes after submission. Next to your Hydra wallet you will see the status of your KYC. No personal information is shared on the sheet.

The Tracking Sheet

The tracking sheet shows your Hydra wallet as identifier. Simply search for your wallet using ctrl+f and you will arrive at your row. There you can check the following information:

  • The status of your KYC submission
  • The LOC and HYDRA balances of your wallet
  • How much HYDRA you can expect to receive in the coming week
  • Whether you meet the minimum balance requirement

The sheet fetches your wallet balances regularly and compares your HYDRA balance to your minimum required balance. This way you can verify whether you are eligible for the next weekly distribution. If not, you can top up more HYDRA to restore eligibility.

Note: The sheet is meant to help you keep track of your status throughout the event and is not binding. Data may not be transferred in real-time and/or technical glitches may influence the shown outcome. Only the balances in your wallet during the weekly snapshot, captured on-chain, are binding.

What is the easiest way to participate?

  1. Go through KYC with your private Hydra wallet and send your LOC to it
  2. Wait for the weekly HYDRA to arrive

That’s it. As long as you don’t send out HYDRA from your wallet, you don’t need to worry about the minimum balance requirements. You can also stake your HYDRA (inside your wallet), if you want to do so.

What happens if I move my assets?

The Airdrop aims in establishing a healthy node infrastructure and therefore has a mechanism to disincentive speculators. This is achieved through the “minimum balance” formula.

Generally it is irrelevant what you do between snapshots. All that matters is your balance when the snapshots are taken. The exact block height of the snapshots will be shared a few days in advance. The information will be shown in the tracking sheet.

Changes in your LOC balance impact how many HYDRA you will receive in that week, since you always receive 1.3% of your last snapshot balance. Please make sure to read through the cooldown rule.

Changes in your HYDRA balance have no impact, as long as you stay above the minimum balance requirement. However, once you slip below, you will be excluded until the requirement is met again.

Do I need to stake to be eligible for the continuous airdrop?

No, there is no such requirement as staking requires you to be able to setup your own secure staking environment. You can definitely stake if you feel comfortable, however, keeping your LOC and HYDRA in place will be sufficient to make you eligibible for the airdrop.

Can I keep my LOC on exchanges and get the airdrop?

No, the airdrop is subject to KYC and AML, and therefore pooled accounts such as the ones that exchanges use are prohibited from participating. The only way to take part in the airdrop is via your own personal wallet.

Is there a deadline for the KYC?

No, there is no deadline. But please note that missed distribution weeks can not be recovered. Or in other words, with every week starting from April 1st, you will miss out on 1.3% of the event.

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-- (LOC Token) Official Blog

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