LOC outperforms Bitcoin by 14%

LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2018

It is no secret that the crypto market is in a bad mood. For a few months now, there is a clear downtrend.

And today is no exception. For the last 24 hours, Bitcoin and Ethereum are down around 5%. It is also common knowledge, that those two are mainly driving the market. When they drop, the market drops as a whole.

The bear and the bull

The reason for this is obvious: Bitcoin represents 40% of the total crypto market cap, while Ethereum stands at 20%. So those two alone represent 60% of the market.

In addition, they are widely known as “low risk and secure investments” compared to smaller coins or tokens. People trust, that as long as there is a crypto market, Bitcoin and Ethereum will be there too.

Smaller coins/tokens however are considered as higher risk investments due to various reasons. Thats why those will generally drop more compared to the two big ones, resulting in underperformance.

Beating the market

In the mids of this blood bath and contrary to what’s expected of low market cap tokens, the LOC token is clearly overperforming. Here are a few numbers as of June 24:

While it is visible that the LOC price dropped for the last 30 days compared to fiat, the story is very different when compared to the market.

LOC overperformed against both Bitcoin and Ethereum. In fact, this is not only true now. For the last couple of months, the LOC token showed great stability and is overperforming most of the time. How is this possible?

  1. Our strong community is made up of true supporters.
  2. We tried to avoid daytraders when forming our community. As a result, our token holders are in for the long run.
  3. Token holders are well informed. We are investing a good amount of our time and resources to inform our community about the strengths and weaknesses of the project and to answer thousands of questions over various channels.
  4. We have a working product. People do not have to worry about being invested into a false promise.
  5. Future demand for the token is not dependent on speculation. The token economy will create one of the most stable and predictable demand possible.
  6. The interests of the team and the token holders are aligned. As the team holds a good amount of token, executives will only profit if other token holders profit too.
Is LOC a safe haven?

There are actually many more reasons that would go beyond the scope of this article.

But the bottom line is clear: While the general market is important for the LOC token price, its influence is limited compared to other projects out there.

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LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog

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