LockTrip Announces its Global Marketing Initiative

LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
27 min readDec 11, 2019

Each day, millions of people book hotels online and the vast majority pays 20% more than they should. How would they react if they knew?

Be the one who tells them. Become an Affiliate of LockTrip.

Do those features sound interesting to you?

If yes, please carefully read through the post as it will reveal how we plan to penetrate the travel consumer market.

LockTrip’s journey began back in Sept 2017 as an idea for a new generation shared economy that could potentially make an impact on a global scale. An idea which has been an inspiration to the LockTrip team as well as to thousands of supporters and early adopters that have passionately and patiently been following the project’s development in this early and rough phase.

A product development phase in which all necessary components and layers of technology intertwined in a unique asset that matches the following critical features:

  • to offer a user-friendly experience without demanding any specific behavior changes — supporting conventional payment methods and matching the experience of existing established service providers
  • to offer prices that users can not find anywhere else on the planet — an essential element which would be the fundamental agent for growth and adoption
  • to be capable of capturing the economic effect of each microtransaction and to convert it into a fundamental component of the LockTrip shared economy

Improving the User Experience is a never-ending process and despite the fact that we still have hundreds of tasks on our to-do list, we believe the platform is now capable to meet the fundamental needs and wants of the broader set of users, which is why we are soon planning to switch from the product “development only” phase to a growth-oriented phase.

Up until this moment, LockTrip hasn’t spent a single cent on marketing and was able to generate roughly 200,000 USD equivalent in bookings over the last 12 months.

This figure might not seem very impressive, however, the reality is that these bookings had been generated only from 189 paying customers, which means that the average paying user spent more than 1,000 USD within the past 12 months.

This yields an extremely high average spending per user. A confidence metric that can be attributed to a combination of two factors — huge savings and loyalty.

Once a user gets past the psychological risk barrier of trying out the service, the potential is significant.

1. The Big Marketing Picture — LockTrip commits 90% of a Six-Figure Marketing Spending for 2020 towards its Community

LockTrip is committed to creating a new generation shared economy on all levels. Adoption and marketing are also a central piece of that economy and we believe the community plays a special role in it. Our community members have rewarded us with loyalty by supporting the project for such a long period of time, which has exceeded even our wildest expectations.

Having learned from that loyalty, we are now giving back 90% of our marketing budget to the same people who made this project possible in the first place.

At first, this claim may sound bold. “Is LockTrip just throwing money at people because they don’t know how to market effectively?”

The great thing is, this is not only the approach we love the most, but also the one that is the most effective. When it comes to marketing, there are two main directions one can go.

  1. Paid marketing through traditional channels like TV, Google, Facebook or Billboard ads.
  2. People-oriented marketing through affiliates, attractive content, viral effects, influencers, social media and community building.

Imagine Booking.com and LockTrip.com setting up two similar marketing campaigns on Facebook. Both claim to be “the cheapest out there”. For someone who has not made a first-hand comparison, it will be very difficult to know which one actually saves money. In fact, many people will simply prefer the one they are already familiar with.

All digital marketing channels are based on hard metrics, of which one is the click-through-ratio (CTR). Needless to say, superbrands like Booking.com or Amazon.com will always dominate this metric over startups due to their amazing brand recognition. Bidding systems would then adjust the cost per click (CPC) to a higher level for the ad that underperforms when compared with the top ones, which inevitably results in a much higher cost per acquisition per user (CPA) and a significant capital burn.

Now compare this to affiliate marketing. Hearing from a friend about a marketplace that offers great savings is much more convincing, because he likely went through the comparison stage and even booked a room already. The same goes for recommendations from your favorite Youtuber. In both cases the testimonial is included by default and people have reason to trust.

Or in other words…

  • Paid marketing works well for companies with known products and an established brand. They don’t have something too unique to offer, but a lot of money to spend. Ads are distributed mechanically in a predefined format.
  • People-oriented marketing works well for products that basically sell themselves, but need someone to convey the message and provide a testimonial. There are no boundaries to creativity and format and the growth and scalability potentials are limitless.

LockTrip is the perfect candidate for people-oriented marketing. Not only is the marketplace highly competitive in terms of pricing, but we also have a strong and motivated community consisting of early adopters who saved money with LockTrip already. No one is better at selling a product than someone who went through the testing and really believes in it.

“Our goal is to empower our core community users and enable them to build their own economy as part of the LockTrip shared economy. We want to make it possible for them to leave their current job and embark on this journey with us, where we can together experience the growth and all fruits associated with it. The lifetime affiliate system practically translates to a lifetime partnership for every member who had been referred. There is no other project in the world that has worked together with its community in such tight collaboration at such an early phase. We want to leave our trail in history by making an example. Today’s technology coupled with Locktrip’s unique economic model makes it possible.“

~ Nikola Alexandrov, CEO of Locktrip

The commitment we make to spend 90% of our budget towards the community means that value is contained within the ecosystem. The remaining 10% will be used for catalyzing effects such as attracting new affiliates, organizing events and generally for testing and comparing the effectiveness of our main strategy.

2. The Pre-launch Phase — Working with the Community Core

LockTrip’s existing community core is among its strongest assets. It represents a voluntary group of extremely passionate and loyal members. Our main focus will be to nurture and grow this asset in three fundamental stages.

2.1 Identifying the Core Community and setting up a close Communication

Most affiliate programs are designed as simple revenue structures with a complete lack of appreciation for the people building the brand. We believe that affiliates should be treated as equal partners and every affiliate should maintain a direct communication channel to the brand it promotes. This is why, similar to an account-management as a process, we will be micro-managing affiliates to provide them with individual assistance, constructive feedback and strategical advise on a regular basis. In the process we will be acting as a central knowledge base that learns from each affiliate and shares working strategies across the network.

Our initial research shows that within the total 30,000+ community members, Locktrip has a very strong core in the 120–200 members range. We tend to think about our core members as the initial agents of growth. It might not seem like a large number, but if you consider it from the perspective of having a trained, loyal and economically motivated sales force of 120–200 people, the potential is obvious. This is the type of resource even superbrands don’t have access to.

2.2 Educating and Training the Core

We view it as a vital step to not only bring together affiliates but to also train and educate them on how to generate better results. This is why we will be launching LockTrip Academy — a platform where affiliates have access to high-level educational content that allows them to boost their campaigns and gather all the necessary building blocks to grow into true professionals.

There will also be a section that specifically focuses on how regular people can become powerful affiliates within a short period of time and without prior experience or knowledge.

Successful affiliates will be incentivized to share their own expertise with others by becoming mentors. More information about our mentorship program will follow in later sections.

Here is the current draft structure for LockTrip Academy’s launch:

In addition to all of this, we will also initiate regular discussions and workshops in our Telegram group to circulate experiences gathered by the network and consolidate them to powerful bullets of advice.

2.3 Growing the Core

Training and education is one way to improve affiliate results. The other way is to grow the number of affiliates. In the previous section, we mentioned that 10% of our spending will go towards catalyzing activities. Attracting new affiliates through targeted campaigns and events will be one of these catalysts. Our activities will not be limited to online advertising campaigns, but also stretch across offline affiliate events organized together with mentors and agents.

A key pillar of our expansion strategy is to encourage existing affiliates to approach promising candidates from their personal networks and invite them to join the movement. A number of such incentives will be discussed in the following sections.

The LockTrip marketplace will be specifically equipped with elements that promote affiliate activities across regular users. These will range from very simple tasks like sharing an article on Facebook up to more advanced techniques such as creating a personal landing page.

Last but not least, we will be selecting a closed group of LockTrip Agents who will recruit affiliates through various online and offline channels (more on that later).

3. Supercharging LockTrip’s unique Affiliate System

LockTrip is a members-only platform, which means that users have to create an account if they want to take advantage of the savings. This makes it an extremely attractive system for affiliates, as a single referral translates into lifetime income from all bookings that referral will generate in the future. The current state of the program sets the affiliate reward at 1% of the booking value. Together with the burn ratio, we end up with the following allocation for each booking.

Comparing the affiliate income with the burn ratio makes it very easy to detect a major imbalance. Affiliates receive a comparably small share, especially considering that it is them who add most of the value to the project during the growth phase. This is why we have experimented with adjusting the allocation towards a more balanced setup (see graphic below).

Increasing the affiliate reward from 1% to 3% means boosting the income to 300% of the current level in exchange of a 40% decrease in burn ratio.

3.1 Focusing on Growth

Affiliates are the backbone of our growth strategy and deserve a strong compensation for what they do.

3.2 Burning even more LOC

Numbers speak for themselves. A 40% drop in burn ratio will yield 300% of the current affiliate income, which will inevitably lead to a higher growth rate for bookings. It will also make it possible for some of our core members to consider becoming “full-time LockTrippers”.

We prepared a simple calculator that adjusts the growth rate based on the affiliate income. The target metric that we want to maximize is the annual burn value, as it is the single determining factor of the LOC economy.

We recommend to play around with the numbers. You will see that higher growth rates are more than enough to compensate for the lower burn rate.

Click This Link to Open The Calculator

The example above shows that a balanced solution with a 3 to 3 allocation results in twice the burn value compared to the 1 to 5 allocation we have right now.

3.3 Unlocking Sustainable Marketing

Affiliate rewards are not only about incentivizing people to join the movement. It is also about opening up new strategies and covering marketing expenses. The more revenue affiliates generate, the more they can invest in acquiring new referrals as well as re-invest in retaining their existing asset of referrals.

3.4 Opening up New Opportunities

Adjusting the affiliate reward to 3% not only opens up new strategies for affiliates, but it also makes it possible for us to offer a much broader set of affiliate tools. Unlimited gift cards (see section 5.1) and custom loyalty discounts (see section 7) are just two examples that would not be possible without it.

4. Comparing LockTrip’s Affiliate Program to the one of Booking.com

*Many affiliate programs such as the one of booking.com work with exact-moment conversions. This means that affiliates need to refer the customer at the very exact moment of their booking. If the customer closes the window and opens it again, the referral is lost. Even if the customer creates an account, the referral will be lost because booking.com doesn’t allow for tracking cookies.

With LockTrip the idea is much simpler. All an affiliate has to do is to make sure the referral creates an account within 30 days of clicking on the referral link. From that moment on, every booking of the referral will yield a 3% revenue for the affiliate.

→ This makes it a perfect system for “personal referrals” that come from your personal network. It is much easier to mention LockTrip in a casual conversation and sign the person up than to perfectly time the exact booking moment.

Or in other terms, a simple recommendation with an assisted signup results in a permanent growth of one’s personal portfolio of referrals within the LockTrip system. A personal asset within the sharing economy that has no limitations.

So far we have mainly discussed how we plan to grow, educate and maintain our affiliate base. But that is only one part of the overall execution strategy. It is equally important to give affiliates the tools to improve their conversion rates and to support them in implementing their vision and creativity.

5. Introducing LockTrip Gift Cards — The Ultimate Affiliate Tool

Gifts are arguably the most elegant way to introduce someone to a new product. It is always better to give than to take. Looking at the most recent trends, it is also very clear that gift cards are becoming more and more popular for birthdays and other celebrations like Christmas.

This is why we decided to make it a fundamental element of our affiliate strategy. A user signing up with a gift card code will immediately be linked as a referral to the affiliate who generated that particular gift card. The process is designed to be seamless, as many will use it as an alternative to regular gifts. Not making it look like an affiliate campaign is of vital importance as it unlocks hundreds of different use cases as a direct marketing tool.

We are currently in the process of developing two types of gift cards.

5.1 Unlimited and Free Gift Cards of up to 6%

Unlimited gift cards are designed to be the bread and butter of referral activities. Affiliates will have the option to sacrifice part or all of their revenue from the first booking in exchange for a valuable bait without any upfront cost. The ratio will be individually customizable via a Gift Card Generator tool available to every user.

For every % of sacrifice you are willing to make, LockTrip will double down with an equal % as a supporting force.


  • Sacrifice of 1% of your commission + 1% Bonus by LockTrip → 2% Gift Card
  • Sacrifice of 2% of your commission + 2% Bonus by LockTrip → 4% Gift Card
  • Sacrifice of 3% of your commission + 3% Bonus by LockTrip → 6% Gift Card

Such sacrifices can result in significantly higher conversion rates as the offer becomes even more interesting and authentic to your target audience. Since the sacrifice is only limited to the very first booking, which is also the hardest to get, this tool will pay off starting with the second booking of each referral. Or in other words, LockTrip and the Affiliate will together invest an equal amount in acquiring a targetted referral.

The main advantage is that affiliates get access to these baits without having to risk upfront investments. They are free and without limit on how many can be generated.

It is important to note that these unlimited gift cards are only possible in combination with the newly proposed 3% affiliate reward structure.

5.2 Special Gift Cards

Special gift cards are designed to be flexible to your strategy and can scale in fixed value. They are not bound to the 6% limit, but need to be either purchased at the value equivalent or to be generated from a limited supply which could be unlocked with various achievements. Affiliates will have the option to customize gift cards for their own needs. Parameters that can be varied include the value of the gift card, the expiration date and other limiting factors such as the minimum value of the booking.

A gift card generator will be available specifically for that purpose and allow the customization to be quick and easy. Each generated gift card will have its own unique tracking stats, revealing valuable insights such as Traffic, Signups, Conversion rate and total revenue. This will enable our affiliates to test different strategies and optimize their work flow.

6. The LockTrip Affiliate League

Welcome to the powerhouse of the affiliate program. The LockTrip Affiliate League (LAL) will be the center of competition and mutual support alike. At first, this may sound contradictory, but amazing things are possible when playing the incentive card right.

Our goal is to boost the level of excitement and to further incentivize our community, so that everyone can be immersed in the concept of being a LockTripper. It is essential to cross a tipping point beyond which people realize that the income from LockTrip could very well be worth a full-time dedication and turn into a lucrative endeavor. The affiliate league will ensure that there is a guaranteed prize pool to compensate for the effort of the top contributors.

6.1 Six Rounds, Two Months per each Round, $20,000 Prize Pool per Round going on for a Full Year

These prizes will be on top of the regular affiliate income of 3%.

Each round will last for two months, after which all scores are reset and a new round starts. They are specifically designed to ensure equal chances for all participants, and in order to stimulate growth, only bookings from new referrals that were acquired within the particular round will count towards the score. As a result, new participants won’t be handicapped relative to affiliates who already built an asset of referrals over months.

The affiliate rounds will stimulate regular investment into affiliate activities and give serious participants financial predictability. A prize pool of $20,000 will be distributed among the top positions each round.

If this experiment is proven to be successful, we will be aiming in turning the Affiliate League into an ongoing system, with a new season coming out every new year.

Building your Team

To make things more interesting, affiliates will be allowed to join forces with up to two more participants, for a maximum of 3 affiliates per team. The rankings will be calculated by the total score of all team members as if they are a single entity.

This means that despite the competitive environment among teams, there will be a strong incentive to share knowledge and expertise within the own team. At the end of each round, all teams will be dissolved to give way for new constellations and new tactics. The result will be constantly changing team variations, quickening the process of circulating experience.

Joining a team will not be mandatory, but it will improve the chances of reaching top positions. A single person scoring 50,000 points will achieve a lower rank than a team of 3 people with 20,000 points each (for a total of 60,000 points).

The reward at the end of each round will be shared proportionally among all team members. If a single affiliate was responsible for 70% of the team’s score, he will also receive 70% of the reward. This not only makes it fair, but also proactively avoids situations where participants slow down their efforts when there is a “safety margin” between two ranks.


  • The team at rank 1 reaches a score of 200,000 points
  • The team at rank 2 is still struggling to break the 100,000 point barrier

→ If the end rewards were distributed evenly among all team members regardless of their individual contributions, team 1 could rest on the safety margin as it is very unlikely that they will lose their spot.

→ With proportional rewards, team members are still competing internally for a bigger share of the prize even when their position is well secured compared to other teams.

We believe that this structure allows for a sweet balance between competition and altruism that is difficult to achieve otherwise. Another advantage is that affiliates will constantly search for new partners. Super affiliates are well connected with each other. If such a performer competes individually against other individuals, he has no interest in inviting other professionals, as it would lead to more competition without offering any benefit.

On the other hand, individual super affiliates having difficulties in competing with teams will see value in inviting their colleagues to build their own team. Getting access to these networks is invaluable and very difficult to achieve otherwise.

Last but not least, the concept of teams makes it possible for strangers to cooperate with each other in a trustless way. Affiliates can always ask their family and friends to utilize the same referral link to consolidate sign-ups and reach higher ranks. They will trust that the revenue will be shared fairly at the end.

But how can you cooperate with a stranger or someone you only trust partially? The Teams feature makes it possible to partner with everyone on the internet in a trustless way.

6.2 The Ranking System

The Affiliate League consists of three rankings.

  • Global ranking for the bi-monthly rounds
  • Global ranking for the 12-month season
  • Local ranking for the 12-month season

All rankings will be based on the same fundamental scoring system.

Score = Booking Value x (1+ 0.01 x Unique Referrals)

“Booking Value” is the total value of referred bookings and “Unique Referrals” is the number of referrals that made at least one booking.

As you can deduct from the formula, each unique referral gets you a bonus score of 1%. This is so, because 10 unique referrals who book $1,000 each are more valuable to the network than a single referral who books $10,000. The bonus is capped at 50%.

Global Rankings

The Global Rankings will be an ongoing system that tracks the performance of all affiliates taking part in the competition. It will be the mean for identifying the winners in each of the six rounds.

The ranking will be accessible at any given moment on a dynamically updated web-page on LockTrip.com. The scores will be calculated in real-time, which means that everyone will receive immediate feedback on their efforts and be able to observe how they perform compared to the rest of the contestants.

The top 5 teams at the end of each round will divide the $20,000 prize pool.

Cookie Duration remains active for 2 months. Read more about Affiliate Levels in section 7. The Multiplier is permanent.

In addition, at the end of the 12-month season, the top 3 Global ranked affiliates will be given the opportunity to enter into an extended partnership with LockTrip.

This partnership is the highest level of support LockTrip can offer its affiliates and consists of a fully-fledged B2B marketplace run by the affiliate with access to the LockTrip inventory and pricing. Read more about our partnership program in section 13.

Local Rankings

The Local Ranking works the same way as its global counterpart, but breaks it down to individual countries. An affiliate who ranks at position 22 in the global ranking may still be the number 1 in its own country.

Country leaders may also get access to our partnership program if they reach a certain threshold, but the main purpose of this league is to identify strong performers in each country and invite them to become a local LockTrip mentor and representative.

Mentors will be able to organize local affiliate events in the name of LockTrip and recruit their own teams to earn consistent revenue from level 2 rewards. They will also be our go-to person for local expansion strategies.

7. Introducing Affiliate Levels

So far we have mainly discussed how to target and support high-performance affiliates. These are very important for our growth strategy, but not everyone will dedicate so much effort and energy.

Affiliate levels make up a standalone system, specifically designed for small-scale affiliates who want to take a slower approach and don’t aim for the moon. It allows them to benchmark against themselves and up their game step by step.

The system is simple, yet effective, similar like “leveling up” in a game and will be independent of the Affiliate League. The base of your individual score is the cumulative booking value you referred. When a referral makes a $500 booking, your score grows by 500 points.

There are ways to boost this score by growing your score multiplier. At the beginning the multiplier is set at 100%. Completing daily and weekly tasks will allow you to grow it step by step and reach higher levels more quickly.

Here are some examples for daily and weekly tasks and their multiplier bonus:

  • Share one LockTrip article on Facebook (+0.5%)
  • Get five new referrals (+1%)
  • Create your own landing page (+2.5%)

Completing all of them would grow your multiplier from 100% to 104%. New tasks will appear regularly and allow you to consistently work on your score.

The above booking worth $500 with a multiplier of 150% would yield a score of 750 points.

Each level will require a certain amount of points to be reached and yield bonus prizes such as special gift cards, more advanced analytic tools and other non-purchasable perks.

An example for a non-purchasable perk is to improve the cookie duration of your referral link. The default duration is 30 days, which will grow longer with each affiliate level. Please note that some perks may take longer to develop and thus may not be available from the very beginning.

We view a high affiliate level as a sign of loyalty, which is why there will be a special loyalty discount for gift card purchases. The discount will depend on your affiliate level and grow up to a maximum of 15%.

At that point a $50 gift card would only cost you $42.5. You could either top up that amount with a credit card or you can deduct that balance from your referral generated balance.

8. Landing Pages. A Powerful Tool for Beginners and Professionals alike.

Landing pages are an essential element of the referral flow. Most affiliates rely on them and build their own websites to funnel referrals through and make an introduction to the product. This is why we decided to offer a powerful tool that makes the whole process easy, free and effective.

Every affiliate will have access to a custom landing page generator. It will be in the form of an integrated blog with predefined formatting and design elements. The only thing affiliates have to do is to fill it with content.

You may, for example, write about the skiing season in the alps with recommended hotels. Or a local event and point out “The Best hotels” for that particular local event in order to target possible search traffic. When you are ready with the content, you will be able to insert dynamic search results from the marketplace by defining the city and dates of the search.

When a customer clicks on your article, he will immediately see the search results below your content. And the best of it is that your landing page will be hosted on LockTrip.com so you won’t have to spend time and energy on figuring out how to build your own custom website.

Someone who enters LockTrip via clicking on your article will automatically have your referral cookie installed on his browser, despite the fact that he will be landing on LockTrip.com. This unique feature is again in line with our vision for a sharing economy.

Another side effect is the strong synergy effects that result from this concept. Affiliates won’t need to worry about their SEO settings, because all content will be part of the LockTrip domain and inherit a perfectly optimized system.

At the same time, each affiliate will grow the overall SEO score of the marketplace by contributing to the overall site content value. Great content is one of the strongest drivers in that regard.

Synergies don’t stop there. You may recall the “Share one LockTrip article on Facebook” task we mentioned as an example to boost your affiliate score multiplier (see previous section). These articles will be sourced from landing pages. Well written landing pages will be circulating through this mechanism and shared by the entire network (still carrying your referral link).

We believe that individual websites are still useful for a certain set of strategies, but through this tool we offer a powerful alternative at no cost and empower affiliates to focus on their unique strengths instead.

9. Local Guides. Make your home your strongest asset.

Most people are local guides by nature. We know best what places tourists should visit in our home city, where the best restaurants are and what traps should be avoided. It thus makes perfect sense to take advantage of this asset by becoming a local guide.

Local guides will build on top of the landing page tool. As a local, you can use your knowledge to create an informative article for tourists who want to visit your city. This will be to prove your value to the reader.

You can then tease “secret tips” as a bait for customers to register on the marketplace (with your referral link attached automatically). This can be a list of top 10 personally recommended restaurants.

To boost conversion rates, we will give you the opportunity to create your own profile where customers can get in touch with you after logging in. This will give them a strong incentive to sign up and socially interact with you.

To make things more attractive, local guides will also be allowed to advertise additional paid services on their profiles, such as a guided tour through a museum or enabling special access to an event that is otherwise difficult to get into. You may also get in touch with local businesses to organize discounts.

We know that affiliates will come up with creative ways to utilize this channel effectively.

10. Becoming Content Creator’s strongest Allies

If you watched a few videos on YouTube, you probably encountered a content creator asking his community for financial support. There are dedicated channels to this, such as Patreon, where you can pledge to support your favorite creator by a certain amount of money each month.

This model has proven to be successful despite the barriers involved in it. But there is still a lot of untapped opportunity:

The group of people willing to support certain content creators is much bigger than those who are at the same time willing to actively donate money each month.

LockTrip’s unique lifetime income structure is a perfect fit for this problem.

By developing a landing page specifically for content creators, where they can introduce themselves and transparently display the affiliate revenue they generated, we position ourselves as a viable alternative at no cost for supporters.

Content creators no longer need to ask their communities for regular donations. Instead, they can simply advertise LockTrip as a cost-saving alternative to conventional booking sites with the positive side effect of financially supporting that creator.

This approach significantly grows the circle of converting supporters as no active spending is involved. In fact, supporters will even save money while doing so.

For LockTrip the potential is limitless. Fan communities have grown to be an extremely strong asset and we want to position ourselves to monetize on that by strategically utilizing our unique lifetime revenue structure.

11. Workshops and Mentorship Program

LockTrip mentors will be strong catalysts for the affiliate program. They will be selected among the top performs of each country within the LockTrip Affiliate League. As proven affiliates, they get the opportunity to organize affiliate recruiting events on behalf of LockTrip (in their native language) and become local representatives.

Their main area will be to initiate workshops and educate less experienced affiliates. In return, they will be able to profit from the level 2 affiliate income generated by their scholars and mentor-specific rewards organized by LockTrip.

12. LockTrip Agents and Bounty Campaigns

LockTrip Agents will be a small and closed group of people who systematically approach various types of influencers and introduce them to our affiliate program. Their compensation will be performance based with a manual assessment of certain metrics.

Bounties will continue to be launched and mainly target crypto audiences.

13. LockTrip Partnership Program

The LockTrip partnership program marks the highest level an affiliate can reach. Becoming a partner is only possible by reaching high ranks in the Great Affiliate League.

LockTrip partners will be given the opportunity to build their own brand and apply it on a template marketplace.

There won’t be any technical development needed, as the functionality and inventory of the LockTrip marketplace will be shared via API connectivity. Partner affiliates will be responsible for choosing a custom design and building the brand.

Partner affiliates will market their own brand and not only adopt the LockTrip inventory, but also its pricing. This means that the affiliate compensation remains the same as before and every booking generated on that partner marketplace will yield a 3% reward.

We will host an annual exclusive event at the end of the season to strengthen our relationship with the top-performing affiliates. The event will also be used to sign B2B partnerships and connect with LockTrip mentors and agents.

14. Expected Launch

LockTrip’s marketing strategy has been built with hundreds of details taken into consideration and requires a massive amount of preparation in the form of:

  • Backend development — to enable all systems for the affiliate league, leaderboards, discounts, custom pages, gift card generator with statistics and conversion rates
  • Front-end development — to upgrade the current “Affiliate” tab into an “Affiliate Lab” dashboard with a smooth user experience
  • Content development — to build the Locktrip Academy section
  • Account management — to build a list of all core members and to connect, motivate, train and mentor prior to the launch

Our goal is to launch the Affiliate League from April 2020 with some room for deviation. In each case our goal is to launch within Q2 2020.

LockTrip is the first marketplace with 0% commission where you can save on average 20% on your hotel and rental bookings compared to anywhere else. Read how to buy LOC tokens here!



LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog

Blockchain & fiat powered marketplace.Hoteliers & landlords list/rent property & manage bookings,& pay no commission. Retweets R not endorsements.