LockTrip Deploys Major Speed & Performance Upgrade

LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
5 min readOct 21, 2022

We are happy to announce that a major deployment on the LockTrip.com marketplace has been completed.

The new version comes with a series of improvements, both in terms of performance and functionality. In this article we will be exploring some of the more notable ones.


Let’s start with the homepage. There have been minor visual changes to the homepage, however the main improvement comes from its performance.

The loading speed of the homepage has been improved significantly, reducing the time it takes to enable interactive functionality from 2.9 seconds to 1.1 seconds.

Before deployment (left) | After deployment (right)

Other speed metrics were also improved, some of which are now performing 10x faster when compared to before.


Looking into the search experience, the loader animation has been updated to suit better with the marketplace colors and design.

The visual content during the search loader has been enriched via three photos (previously it was one) and the entire loader is now embedded into the primary layer of the marketplace (previously it appeared as a pop-up).

In addition to the enhanced visual appeal, it is now possible to interact with the marketplace while the search is still ongoing. Users no longer need to wait for the sequence to be completed, if they want to go back to the home page, for example.

Search Results and New Filters!

We are introducing the “Popular Filters” category on the left side of the search results, which is composed of the most frequently used filters.

New Feature: At the same time we have added completely new filtering options such as:

  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Spa
  • Shuttle service
  • Terrace
  • Restaurant(s)

More such filters are planned and on their way!

Following feedback from our users, the map on the right side was grown in width, which allows for better geographical context.

Hotel Page

The hotel pages benefit significantly from the newly unlocked performance boost. These pages now load three times (!) faster than before, which cuts friction when browsing through multiple hotels.

More notably, the “total blocking time”, which measures the time users are unable to interact with the page, was reduced from 1.7 seconds to about 0.6 seconds.

Aside from speed improvements, the space for the room selection was widened by roughly 50%. It now covers the entire width from left to right, while previously the “New Dates or Destination” widget was consuming part of the space.

As a result, room photos were expanded and additional space was made available for relevant information about the room. In the near future we will be further enhancing the quality and relevance of the shown information.

The widget on the right side was transformed into a search bar at the top, which smoothly appears when you scroll down. Changing the dates will automatically query the available rooms for the currently viewed hotel without leaving the page.

New Feature: You can now browse through the room photos without having to expanding them, simply by clicking on the left/right arrows as shown below.

New Feature: If you want to focus on a smaller selection, you can collapse the room types you are not interested in. To do so, simply click on the small arrow at the top right corner of each box.

Middle Box (Standard Room) Collapsed For Easier Selection

This will make it easier to compare and reduce your scrolling work.

Payment Page

Arriving at the payment page, there has been a number of visual re-arrangements and logic improvements. For example instead of displaying “Cancelling will cost you $0”, the interface now states it as “Free cancellation”.

The overall arrangements have also been resized for better proportions and the important information is now more emphasized.

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LockTrip is a blockchain-based travel marketplace that allows users to save up to 60% on their bookings by cutting out middlemen. Every booking burns LOC proportionally to its booking value, continuously reducing its total supply.



LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog

Blockchain & fiat powered marketplace.Hoteliers & landlords list/rent property & manage bookings,& pay no commission. Retweets R not endorsements.