LockTrip was at the SoftUnit Conference!

LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2018

Last Saturday, LockTrip had the honor to participate and talk at the SoftUnit Conference in Sofia. Not only that, but we were one of the four Gold Sponsors of the event.

We believe, that this had a strong marketing impact in terms of our business development, as more than 3,000 people attented the conference during the 2 days it lasted.

The audience was made up of technology oriented people from around the world. Among them were entrepreneurs, representatives of startups, developers, influencers, potential partners and many other for us relevant individuals.

We used the opportunity to announce our proprietary Blockchain infront of this valuable audience, including a strong presence of high profile members of the Blockchain community.

Presenting LockTrip

LockTrip was presented in four major ways.

  1. Through the Gold Sponsorship, which made us present in conference-related advertisement, communication and their website. We managed to secure a preferencial price for this sponsorship through our strong partnership with SoftUni.
  2. Through a panel, where we held the LockTrip Blockchain announcement.
  3. Through a second panel, held together with Rosen Plevneliev, the former President of Bulgaria.
  4. Through networking activity with high profile participants.

Panel with Former President Plevneliev

The panel with Mr. Plevneliev was focused towards discussing policy making, banking and governmental support regarding the Blockchain technology, and was initiated by the (newly) founded Balkan Blockchain Association.

The founding members of this Association are Aeternity, Adex, Propy, Nexo and LockTrip.

The main purpose of it is to advocate Blockchain technology in the Balkan region. In addition, it is looking into positioning itself as a regional leader in the Balkans, consolidating approximately $500M worth of assets under one roof.

During the panel, the former President was referring to LockTrip as an example of a successful project with an actual service, which publicly reaffirms our credibility as well as quality.

On a seperate note, it also strengthens our relationship with the Bulgarian government through his strong ties to the administration.

Presentation of our Blockchain and Networking

To our benefit, the hall was around 80% full during both panels ,which is a very high attendance rate. You can watch the presentation here.

After the presentation, we received very positive feedback from the audience and got numerous new contacts we can now build on.

As a topping on the cake, we even initiated talks with a very promising decentralized exchange (DEX), regarding the possibility to build their DEX on top of the upcoming Locktrip Blockchain. In such a case, they would be supporting our new LOC coin, as well as listing other LRC20 (LOC-equivalent of ERC20) tokens with the trading pair LOC.

However, talks are at a very early stage right now. We will keep you updated!

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