Monthly Recap | January 2019 (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2019

One more month has passed and many things have happened since.

As always, we want to communicate this progress with you in form of a monthly report and thus be as transparent as possible.

Let’s start with the usual development tasks.

January 1–6

  • Stabilizing current release bugs
  • Improving the Distributed Governance Protocol in the LockTrip Blockchain
  • Testing the new features of the LockTrip Blockchain

January 7–13

  • Flight App and interface improvements
  • Your trips — incorrect date fixing
  • Different Voting and DGP functions and parametrization for the LockTrip Blockchain
  • Testing of the Voting and DGP features of the LockTrip Blockchain
  • Booking flow refactoring

January 14–20

  • Mobile apps — remove credit card registration form
  • BUY LOC fixes
  • Affiliates paying out for LOC-funded bookings removed
  • Flight app optimizations
  • Decoupling CC-paid bookings from the blockchain operations → Booking confirmation speeded up

January 21–27

  • WebSocket communication fixes and optimizations
  • CI/CD for the mobile apps
  • Mobile app fixes and optimizations
  • Flight app fixes and tests
  • New flight tickets UI
  • Fix — Hotel selection from map not showing hotel page

January 28–31

  • My Trip-related fixes in the mobile app
  • ReactNative updates
  • Accounting app fixes

Other Developments

In January, we have launched an important element of LockTrip — our customer support. It is now very easy for customers to reach our team in case something does not work as expected or additional help is required.

The FAQ was launched together with the customer support and has since become an integral part of providing information to customers and LOC holders.

We have also integrated LOC with another wallet provider. You can now store your tokens at the Lumi wallet, which has both mobile and browser applications.

During January, we have initiated the work on an extensive price comparison analysis for the upcoming 300,000 hotels inventory. We communicated in previous articles that we expect our competitiveness to improve with the added inventory. We are now preparing to back up our claim with numbers.

A similar analysis was published by LockTrip in April 2018 after integrating 100,000 hotels on our marketplace.

January was also a month of developing important security features, which will be launched with the next major marketplace update. A few of those features have been fully developed already while others are being worked on as we speak.

At the end of January, we also completed the draft for the new version of the whitepaper and have since provided it to our core community for review and suggestions.

Thanks to our community, we also won the community voting for being listed on Ethershift, which offers direct LOC conversion with multiple Ethereum based tokens, including Ethereum itself.

As it is evident from the development tasks, we are already testing some of the testnet features extensively. Together with the development of the tools for tracking network stability, much is happening on the blockchain front.

Thank you for being with us on this very exciting road.

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LockTrip is the first marketplace with 0% commission where you can save on average 20% on your hotel and rental bookings compared to anywhere else. Read how to buy LOC tokens here!


-- (LOC Token) Official Blog

Blockchain & fiat powered marketplace.Hoteliers & landlords list/rent property & manage bookings,& pay no commission. Retweets R not endorsements.