The LockTrip Masterplan | Infographic (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
1 min readMay 23, 2019

Dear Community,

today we are initiating a new format to diversify our communication methods. Infographics are a great way to get across high density information in a fun way. Additionally, it is very easy to share them across all types of channels.

The infographic below puts our development so far into perspective and shows the steps we will be taking over the next few years. We are currently completing step 1 and preparing for step 2.

More information can be found in our new Whitepaper.

Let us know how you think about this new format and whether you would share them with your friends.

You can download the PDF version here.

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LockTrip is the first marketplace with 0% commission where you can save on average 20% on your hotel and rental bookings compared to anywhere else. Read how to buy LOC tokens here!


-- (LOC Token) Official Blog

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