Update on our Milestones and the Roadmap

LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2018

Dear Community!

As you know, July was very turbulant for LockTrip. Besides our regular tasks and development, we hosted unexpected events such as two community votes (KuCoin and Binance), and the Kucoin Airdrop.

Especially the KuCoin Airdrop was very time consuming and work intensive. We had to develop quickly new tools optimized for the speed required for the KuCoin competition instead of the quality of the initial Airdrop.

After that, it took us significant time to verify and handle support issues. But of course, all of this paid off greatly.

As a result of those unexpected but well worth events, we are running approximately 2 weeks behind schedule.

Here are some updates regarding our milestones.

Fiat Payment Feature

Regardless of the situation described above, the work on the fiat payment feature is progressing strong and we are still aiming to launch this feature on time (end of August).

Note that due to the complexity of the feature (including many third parties), currently unexpected delays can occur. Any potential delay should remain insignificant (1–2 weeks).

Launch of the Affiliate Platform

This was actually planned to be launched earlier, however it got delayed due to the addional (unexpected) Airdrop.

The platform will be hosted on the current “Airdrop” section of our marketplace. As the airdrop distribution is not completed yet, this section is still occupied. So expect it to go live soon after the distribution is completed.

Note that 100% of the backend work for this milestone is completed. We are just waiting.

Integration of the Middle Layer App

We are postponing this milestone a bit. This is to focus on something exciting, which is not listed on the roadmap. We will make an announcement soon.

Launch of the Beta Marketplace

This milestone got delayed a bit in order to improve the quality further (especially regarding the payment mechanics). More info on this will be shared in one of the next articles.

The marketplace will become beta within August.

Besides, we are constantly working on bugs and small improvements, that are vital, but not visible from outside.

Additionally, we will be enriching our technical communication with our community, being more transparent about the general progress and recent developments.

As a next step, we are excited for the announcement that will be made by KuCoin on Sunday. It will include the exchange listing date of LockTrip.

Great times are ahead. Thank you for being with us on this road!

LockTrip is the first marketplace with 0% commission where you can save on average 20% on your hotel and rental bookings compared to anywhere else. Learn how to buy LOC tokens to enable access to our marketplace and its lower prices here!

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LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog

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